say something about ... yourself!

*Has an excellent condition Turkish Mauser and giggles with glee. Just has to wait until the 21st to go get it.*
I can't sleep, and thanks to my trip to the US on Tuesday, I realized that as much as I hate the retarded black people up here, they are NOTHING compared to the fucking sub-human pieces of ape shit that inhabit your nation. The way the talk and act just sickens me. I apologize to all the racists I have attacked over the years, I now CLEARLY SEE WHY you are still fucking racist in this day and age. I don't think all black people are garbage, but there are a large number of African Americans who are of NO VALUE to society and need to be fucking shot on site. I can't believe they fucking cry about racial profiling too, I LOL'd...

so it looks like the friend of mine whose birthday party i was trying so hard to attend and switching my schedule around for got the flu and will most likely be calling it off.

well, at least i'll have saturday and sunday off from work even if i don't fucking do anything

and my brain is melting with worry because i'm fucked up. i love not getting responses to texts. just fucking tell me i'm expendable and i'll leave you alone, that's all i need to hear - not this avoidance bullshit.

so it looks like the friend of mine whose birthday party i was trying so hard to attend and switching my schedule around for got the flu and will most likely be calling it off.

well, at least i'll have saturday and sunday off from work even if i don't fucking do anything

and my brain is melting with worry because i'm fucked up. i love not getting responses to texts. just fucking tell me i'm expendable and i'll leave you alone, that's all i need to hear - not this avoidance bullshit.
They can be busy you know. I once replied to a text message 6 MONTHS later. I was too busy and then forgot they sent it.
i'm trying not to do the whole "oh well, maybe it could've just been this, that or the other thing" because that just makes me obsessive. with the already tenuous relationship between me and this person, me getting obsessive and clingy like that would just cause problems for me so i'm trying to take the "well, fuck you then" stance

gah i'm gonna be in garden all day. "Nope, sorry, i have no idea where that particular plant is and anyone who would be able to help you is intentionally avoiding this area and not answering their phone. stop shopping for flowers when it's 60 degrees out and kindly leave me to read my book. Thanks for shopping at home depot!"