I'm blazed and listening to fucking Immortal WROAGH!
You need to be listening to Z-Ro when you're blazed, not that sorry black metal shit. I love Immortal by the way.
You need to be listening to Z-Ro when you're blazed, not that sorry black metal shit. I love Immortal by the way.
My friends dad just beat her up, apparently. She talked to me briefly on aim, won't answer her phone, her away message says she's on knock out meds. I'm so fucking worried about her and I hate that there's nothing I can do.
Oh you're high, big fucking deal. I'm NEVER not high.
I had no idea that was Heartless, sorry if I was rude to you man I thought you were a new-new guy.
Look, Kevins cool with you, I'm cool with you, that's all that matters. Kevin and I are awesome.
Tyler has a point though, respect is something that has to be earned around here. I've lost a good deal of it but I got my lashings in the beginning. This place is like a family you're either in it, or you're not. I've had the fortune of meeting most of my favorite people here.