say something about ... yourself!

Well, I don't give a fuck. He doesn't have to like me, nor I him, but there should be a little bit of respect and compassion. We didn't get along but when he said he had to get surgery I wished him well and when he was crying about getting a dick sized plug jammed up his nose after his stitches tore I showed sympathy and offered kind words. If he didn't feel like to do the same, the elast he could have done was shut the fuck up. I mean I don't care but to anyone on the board who has had an anxiety attack (I've only had like 3 in my whole life) it's not a fun feeling and yeah, I don't need some xbox junkie cocksucker trying to be cool.

tl;dr: I am ranting about something I claimed not to care about. It's just the principle of it that bothers me, but whatever :lol:
Respect is something earned around here, which you will never be able to accomplish. You've burned all possible bridges with anyone early on, and are lingering in foreign waters.

Anyways, SHPONGLE.

I'm listenin' to Bluetech. <3
My friends dad just beat her up, apparently. She talked to me briefly on aim, won't answer her phone, her away message says she's on knock out meds. I'm so fucking worried about her and I hate that there's nothing I can do.
While I admit I had a rocky start I get on well with everyone here now for the most part. Normally I would have let your comment go but it was a low blow in my eyes, although it should be expected from someone like you. Anyways, I'm feeling better now, that spike of anger jolted me back to a neutral state :lol:
My friends dad just beat her up, apparently. She talked to me briefly on aim, won't answer her phone, her away message says she's on knock out meds. I'm so fucking worried about her and I hate that there's nothing I can do.

Well just stay calm, don't work yourself up. I've been in that position before and the best thing to do is just wait till the morning, things usually work themselves out. And beat her up how? Some kids say my dad beat me up and all they got was a slap upside the head, while other actually gotta a good beating. I hope it's not the latter.
By the way Heartless, Undefined, whatever your name is.

...You know what, you're really not worth it. Go to hell. Or CoB. Whatever comes first. You're a living example of all our generation despises and dislikes being associated with or stereotyped as.

And that is all I have to say on the subject. I'm going to do something I should have done a long time ago with you. Ignore Button.
I had no idea that was Heartless, sorry if I was rude to you man I thought you were a new-new guy.

Look, Kevins cool with you, I'm cool with you, that's all that matters. Kevin and I are awesome.

Tyler has a point though, respect is something that has to be earned around here. I've lost a good deal of it but I got my lashings in the beginning. This place is like a family you're either in it, or you're not. I've had the fortune of meeting most of my favorite people here.
I had no idea that was Heartless, sorry if I was rude to you man I thought you were a new-new guy.

Look, Kevins cool with you, I'm cool with you, that's all that matters. Kevin and I are awesome.

Tyler has a point though, respect is something that has to be earned around here. I've lost a good deal of it but I got my lashings in the beginning. This place is like a family you're either in it, or you're not. I've had the fortune of meeting most of my favorite people here.

Yeah, I changed the name. And thanks man it means a lot, I mean I am a fag at times but on the whole (lol Austin Powers) I am a cool guy. I get along with at least 7 of you very well so that is all that matters to me. I might lash out at people over little things when I maybe should just keep quiet but hey, it's 3:30am and my g/f is asleep behind me and I feel like shit, what else am I supposed to do :lol: