say something about ... yourself!

A girl who likes Asians??? That's a new one :lol: I know of gay guys with Asian fetishes and white guys with Yellow Fever but a chick? :zombie: Weird!

Besides what kind of whore wants a gangsta... he won't treat her right, and after he gets her pregnant he won't support her and the little money he makes now will vanish when he gets busted. That lifestyle fades fast.
that speaks of self-esteem problems worse than mine :lol:
She's black. She's the one who cuddled with and kissed me that one night, but as soon as a good looking Asian she gets, she cuts off ties with me because I'm too "clingy" and it's "too weird".

She already told me we would never be together, but I still thought it was fucked up. I've done so much for her and spent so much money on her.

Oh well.

You don't need a bitch like that. You need to find a good girl who will value you and your efforts. My girl is very low maintenance and isn't a fucking money grubbing whore. She loves all the same shit as me so we're basically like best friends who laugh all day and fuck. People think we're nuts because we say the meanest shit to each other but we laugh so hard. It's been the best (and at times the worst) 3 years of my life :lol: You'll find someone like that don't worry.
She's black. She's the one who cuddled with and kissed me that one night, but as soon as a good looking Asian she gets, she cuts off ties with me because I'm too "clingy" and it's "too weird".

She already told me we would never be together, but I still thought it was fucked up. I've done so much for her and spent so much money on her. She knows I value her more than my own life.

Oh well.
you're better off, really. that's not right of her
I don't see why you have self-esteem issues :p
:oops: aww thanks

*shrugs* i think it's all some horrible complex from junior high and all the boys making fun of me for being ugly, and then even up to when i was in college about a year ago, i was painfully shy around people.

weirdly enough, working at home depot and getting really close and becoming good friends with a lot of the people there has done a lot, within a few months, to change like 10 years of self-loathing and shyness

still, just a lot of shit in my brain that i can't resolve...
you're better off, really. that's not right of her

I know it. But I'm at the point in my life where I just need love. My mother was a very non affectionate person, I've never had a girlfriend. The only emotional affection I've ever got was from her, so's the reason I've been crazy with handlebars for the last week. Even my friends are telling me I need to slow down.

I just wish I had somebody.

There Joe, you see? Say what you want about your problems. I'm here for you, you've been there for me, Laura, Cara, and Jen ALWAYS give me emotional support. I don't care if some schmuck on this forum tells me to stop whining, I'll whine all I want. This is just as much my forum as it is theirs, as far as I'm concerned.

By the way Laura, Steve and I were talking about how beautiful you were in Chicago but how we respected Will too much to ever say anything about it. I'm still down for Will to death, I'd die for him. But damn, I would do anything to be with someone like you.

You guys can probably tell how fucked up on the bars I am by now. :lol:

"that counts as a shot for you, Kevin"
Man I gotta go to bed. I'll catch up on whatever shots I'm about to miss out on in the morning at work :lol:
I know it. But I'm at the point in my life where I just need love. My mother was a very non affectionate person, I've never had a girlfriend. The only emotional affection I've ever got was from her, so's the reason I've been crazy with handlebars for the last week. Even my friends are telling me I need to slow down.

I just wish I had somebody.
that's really understandable. i can kinda relate to a situation like that. when i was younger, like in junior high i was really really shy and self-conscious, didn't care about my appearence, etc. i'd always have crushes on guys and the affection would never be returned. then i had a class with a friend of a friend, we talked and i was SMITTEN because he paid attention to me. we messed around a little (we were "make-out" buddies :lol: ) but he made it clear to me that he didn't "like me like that" (oh god, high school) and i was devastated because i felt like i'd never find anyone, no one would ever be attracted to me, etc

okay, so senior year of high school - crazy kid appears out of nowhere, we talk a lot and wind up smoking weed one night and having sex, then we see each other at school and next day and he acts like i'm not even there. he pretends like nothing ever happened. i sat with him and some other friends at lunch and he'd always be talking about how much he wanted to get with one of the other girls there. needless to say, that FUCKED ME UP. so a few months later, i get a job at FYE and meet a friend of my managers - he's a few yrs older than me, good-looking, we both love horror movies. we go out on a date and i was fucking elated because i'd never had anything like that before and never dreamed i would. and especially because of what had happened with my psycho-guy, that just made everything all the more amazing to me
fast forward about a month - me and this guy have to break up because i'm gonna be moving to pittsburgh soon. once again, i'm fucking devasted and just get this whole "i'll never be happy, no one will ever want to be with me, i'm just fucking worthless" thing going on and it took a long time for me to feel differently - like not until i started dating will

so yeah, really long whiny story but point is - i think it's past experiences that shape how you feel about people and how they treat you. rejection is something that everyone goes through and all of those things are experiences that make you stronger for it. you can't rely on other people to make you feel better or change things about yourself, they can only show you what you need to do. and that also shows you that you can't put your life into a person or "give everything" for them. you WILL find a girl who cares about you as much as you care for her, just give it time and stop stressing about it - and yourself - so much. you are sweet and good-looking and funny and awesome.

By the way Laura, Steve and I were talking about how beautiful you were in Chicago but how we respected Will too much to ever say anything about it. I'm still down for Will to death, I'd die for him. But damn, I would do anything to be with someone like you.
damnit john, you're gonna make me cry *shakes fist*

edit: GODDAMNIT JOHN, way to get offline just as soon as i type that fucking long whiny post :lol: