say something about ... yourself!

Keep practicing until you can do it?

It's not a question of whether I can do it or not; I CAN do it and it's actually not too bad...but not too bad isn't where we need to be. It's not a question of coordination because I've got that part down. My voice is a lot better than everyone else who has auditioned but it's not good enough. It can't be compromised.
temporomandibular joint disorder

haven't gotten it diagnosed but i've read about it online and that sounds like the only thing that it can be. basically, my jaw is constantly popping, especially when i'm eating or talking and occasionally it locks up so that i can't open my mouth all the way. i've heard that it's fairly common and not really harmful, and there's nothing that can really done for it so i don't think it's necessary to get it checked out but it can be a fucking nuisance.

I've had the same thing for the past 15 years. Sorry to say it, but you're gonna have to get used to it. It never goes away.
It's not a question of whether I can do it or not; I CAN do it and it's actually not too bad...but not too bad isn't where we need to be. It's not a question of coordination because I've got that part down. My voice is a lot better than everyone else who has auditioned but it's not good enough. It can't be compromised.
Then get used to the feeling of spinning your proverbial wheels. It's nice to set such high standards for your band, but there are also consequences to that and you have to accept them if perfection is the way it absolutely has to be.
Then get used to the feeling of spinning your proverbial wheels. It's nice to set such high standards for your band, but there are also consequences to that and you have to accept them if perfection is the way it absolutely has to be.

Then it shall be so. This band will become a studio band before it becomes a half-ass live band, because "perfection is the way it absolutely has to be." I don't accept less than what it should should be played and sung as it is on the cd or even better, and that's not perfection, it's just how it is. Nobody's perfect of course, and there is always a little room for diversity because we're not clones of each other, but it has to be up to our standards. The frustration is that we're not really setting the bar impossibly high, yet no one seems to even be able to reach it anyway.

There is too much mediocrity in heavy music these days as it is and I refuse to be mediocre. I guess that makes me elitist, but I don't mind.
Seriously, I am curious to see what Liam with huge tits in a bikini would look like. Not sure what that says about me but please draw it.

I am invoking rule 34(b)
Half the retards here have been there, and go regularly still. You may as well name the festering pool called 4chan.