say something about ... yourself!

^I still don't believe you, and I don't frequent that shit hole anymore, I did around 35-40 MIL GET but yeah, the last 7 months have been pure unadulterated shit. I mean it was shit before but at least it had some funny stuff, now it's just pure crap.
God damnit Emily, 34 states that if it exists, there is porn of it. If not, 35 comes in, being that porn will be MADE of it.
This isn't that site, and she is occasionally that naive. Especially when drinking. But damn if her shirt stays glued to her chest. *shakes fist*
I retired years ago, but I used to be a professional troll, yes. WHO KNOWS WHAT TROLLING LURKS IN THE HEARTS OF MEN?
I GOT IT! You, laid back on a chase lounge, all of them in loin cloths, fanning you with giant feathers! :kickass:

That is my fantasy, but with different men. :Smokedev:

AHAHAHA. I was thinking about the same thing! I found one of my Darkness comics that has Jackie/The Darkness surrounded by 8 half nekkid ladies and I though, shoot wouldn't this be nice with my boys. :saint:
I saw my old best friend on the bus on the way home from school this afternoon... Emma, for those who remember her posting here, or the few of you who met her. For everyone else: we were really, really close the first three years of high school, but she started acting weirdly around me -- like she was always trying to hide that she was hanging out with other people, instead of just telling me the truth. The final straw was last summer, when I found out that she was going out with my ex, and instead of telling me, she tried to hide it and get all of her friends not to tell me what was going on, and at that point I told her that I didn't want to have any relationship with someone who couldn't even be honest with me.

So today when I saw her on the bus, we did what we had both done our senior year of high school -- pretend that we didn't see each other. It honestly made me really sad that we had nothing to say to one another when we used to be so close and I felt like I could trust her with anything. And it made me wonder if she really was a bitch, or if it was just the bullshit of high school that got between us. I thought about trying to get in contact with her again, but I don't want to risk getting into another friendship with a questionable person who really doesn't care about me.

I'm kinda drunk, so sorry if this post is somewhat nonsensicle. Losing friends sucks. :(