say something about ... yourself!

Oh, where did you read that?? I seriously just assumed from the bulletin Khvost made... I would like to read what actually happened.

I didn't. I just assumed. I mean the fucking album got done in the summer they were waiting on Simen to do the lyrics and record vocals. Kvhost did great on the first album but imagine how fucking much this holds the next one back?

Just like the Simen and Vintersorg collab didn't happen, just like I sincerly doubt Simen will do vocals for "My Domain", on the next Borknagar album.

I'm fucking sick of it Joe

These faggots have their Jeff Loomis and plenty of him.
Garm fans have lots of Garm.
Vintersorg fans are spoiled fucking rotten right now.

What do Simen fans get? Dimmu Borgir. Oh, I'm sorry, a new Lamented Souls album. Eventually. Hey, great. Now I can hear awesome vocals on mediocre music again.

Why.the.fuck. is this man not in Borknagar? He's not in Arcturus, he's no longer in <code>, there's no god damn reason Vintersorg should still be in that band. Especially if Oystein said this album was going to be more like the first four, it's obvious Vintersorg can't handle that and he has enough fucking bands as it is. Tell that pussy to grow his hair back out, he looks like a fruit.

Quintessence was the apex of Borknagar, anyone who says otherwise should be killed. Why is he not back in this band?

Please Joe, give me some comfort here. What do us fucking Simen fans have to look forward to now? NOTHING. A SOLO ALBUM THAT WON'T HAPPEN, LAMENTED SOULS THAT PROBABLY WON'T BE VERY GOOD, GUEST VOCALS IN BORKY THAT WON'T HAPPEN, AND FUCKING DIMMU BORGIR!

I'm sick of it. I hate it.
I didn't. I just assumed. I mean the fucking album got done in the summer they were waiting on Simen to do the lyrics and record vocals. Kvhost did great on the first album but imagine how fucking much this holds the next one back?

Well, I know that Simen completed the lyrics for the album. I message Aort in May and this is what he told me:

i am actually at the studio mixing now.

vocals will have to be done at a later date though so the album might not be ready for the autumn.

i will update the myspace site properly when i get back home



I was excited, and looked forward to this new <code> album... the fucking news really took me by surprise, I actually felt sick to my stomache after reading this:


It's time to come clean and show our true faces, update and inform our advocates and devotees what has been going on behind cloaked veils both in the studio and in our lineup ranks . . .

We would like to announce that Simen "Vortex" Hestenaes is not a part of Code and will not be taking part in the forthcoming album.

After successfully performing live with Code during the phenomenal shows this last year, the band have resolved to continue working with original vocalist Kvohst.

I just figured that them saying the reconciled (I mean Simen was brought on board cuz that guy left the band because of creative differences) meant that they just decided to go with their old vocalist instead. Fuck them. I know Simen is lazy but he was genuinely excited for Code I could hear it in his voice. Also, he was busy but I know he was free in the summer/early fall to do the vocals. I am not sure what exactly happened, I'll message Aort now.

Just like the Simen and Vintersorg collab didn't happen, just like I sincerly doubt Simen will do vocals for "My Domain", on the next Borknagar album.

Shut up :lol: I know the odds of him doing it are very unlikely but I still have hope, if I don't get that then there's nothing new until the LS album is made (I love LS) or the DB album in 2010.

I'm fucking sick of it Joe
Me too.

What do Simen fans get? Dimmu Borgir. Oh, I'm sorry, a new Lamented Souls album. Eventually. Hey, great. Now I can hear awesome vocals on mediocre music again.

I love LS. It took time to grow on me but I love it, I can imagine the new album being quite impressive.

Why.the.fuck. is this man not in Borknagar? He's not in Arcturus, he's no longer in <code>, there's no god damn reason Vintersorg should still be in that band. Especially if Oystein said this album was going to be more like the first four, it's obvious Vintersorg can't handle that and he has enough fucking bands as it is. Tell that pussy to grow his hair back out, he looks like a fruit.

I don't mind Vintersorg in Borknagar, but if Simen wanted to reclaim the title I would be certain they'd let him.

Quintessence was the apex of Borknagar, anyone who says otherwise should be killed. Why is he not back in this band?

I think TAC was better but :p I love both albums.

Please Joe, give me some comfort here. What do us fucking Simen fans have to look forward to now? NOTHING. A SOLO ALBUM THAT WON'T HAPPEN, LAMENTED SOULS THAT PROBABLY WON'T BE VERY GOOD, GUEST VOCALS IN BORKY THAT WON'T HAPPEN, AND FUCKING DIMMU BORGIR!

Well, I don't know what to say I'm suffering with you. I am still shattered by the Code debauchle... I'm hoping he'll do the guest track on the Borknagar album and that the LS album will come out this year... After that I don't know. He has a lot of solo stuff ready he said, but he said something like 5 years might be the time frame until he does anything. And as far as Arcturus, in an interview he said they broke up because Steinar lost inspiration and he wrote all the music, maybe he will regain it and we'll have a nice surprise.
I just got two Quintessence posters... they're obviously bootlegged but whatever. The first one the guy sent was shit quality, I mean on the wall it looks fine but it jsut bugged me so I forced him to send another in glossy format. I now have two :p I dunno anyone I could give the other one to.
Weakest because it was his first, imo. I agree with you though. But this looks interesting:

Lamented Souls to start recording new material!

Finally, Lamented Souls are going to start recording their next album with the tentative title Echelons of Decay. Basic track recordings are planned to start late summer in OJ "Apollyon" Noir's home studio.

Songtitles include Eternal Doom, Temptress, Crimson Dawn, One Soul Less and World Of Sighs. The album will include 8-9 songs and the band might do a single with exclusive b-side material (possibly cover songs) as a taster.

No release date yet.

I won't get my hopes up though, not after the Code thing. It sucks to go see a Dimmu show, stand there in front of him and wait and wait and wait then he finally sings and it's over so fast... at least they did Reptile and Kings so I got to see something.
I usually go to concerts alone. When i was in houston i never went to any with someone until i met up with john and will. Usually people are cool and it's easy to get into conversation while waiting in line.
I usually go to concerts alone. When i was in houston i never went to any with someone until i met up with john and will. Usually people are cool and it's easy to get into conversation while waiting in line.

Exactly, if you need any further persuasion here is the setlist:

Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse
The Serpentine Offering
The Sinister Awakening
Kings Of Carnival Creation

Spellbound (By The Devil)
The Sacreligious Scorn
Mourning Palace
The Fallen Arises (Outro)

Bolded song = OMGSIMENSINGS, also he is super interactive with you if you're in front of him so that's cool too. Fuck, even do what I did the first time I ever saw them and bring a small piece of paper/sign in marker saying "Simen setlist please!" or something, he will definitely give you something (His beer, his towel, some picks, the setlist, etc)...
I'm not sure, I was guestlisted. I saw they were $40 bucks at the door, but keep in mind concerts here are always a fucktonne more. I'll try to find the price for ya.
I'm fucking going. How much are tickets?
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Danzig Ticketing / at House of Blues
Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 6:00 pm CST at House of Blues Houston
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There, couldn't find it on Ticketmaster for some reason.