say something about ... yourself!

i pluck out my eyebrows, too, but my eyelashes are more of a compulsive thing, like i'll find myself doing it subconciously and won't realize i'm doing it until someone else asks me what the fuck i'm doing

i'm so fucking obsessive when it comes to body hair. i shave it off if i find it anywhere other than my head, even if it's single hairs. if i find noticable dark hairs anywhere on my body (which they pretty much all are since i'm dark-haired) they get shaved off
You haven't seeen the last of meee *shakes fist*

Man, I had a great time. Dan and Will are still here, we're still partying it up. We have to do this again. Thanks for comin' Chris, Nikki, and Phil :kickass:

I wanna see the videos. We'll have to do this again sometime, perferably a Saturday night.

and Hi Dan, Hi Will!