say something about ... yourself!

I work 4-10. Stat pay. Woo.

Spent the morning looking at a new vitamin and supplement diet. I'm saying fuck it to supplements now, just creating a high-protein diet should do enough. On a higher-dosage multi-vitamin, more formulated to me (hopefully), and kelp extract, which apparently boosts metabolism. My doctor and nutritionist said that because I have a very slow metabolism, I could be creating problems for my arteries down the line, and it could apparently be linked to my nerve ending damage. Seriously, nerve ending damage sucks ass. Weird pains in the oddest of places for no apparent reason, parts of my body going cold or hot all of a sudden, fingers falling asleep. Ugh.

Came home and had one hell of an awesome home made pancake and raspberry vanilla eggnog smoothie (Surprisingly awesome).
still got that pain in my eye. shit.

boss called and asked if i could work tomorrow from 7-4, so i guess i'll call an actual eye doctor tomorrow during work if this persists. motherfucking OWWW.

however, my favorite local coffee place is closing tomorrow, friends and i are going there for the last time around around 8 tonight.
I'm barred out on Pamprin.

Dis shit will fuck you up!


Pamprin? that's over the counter stuff right? Does it really get you messed up?

Pamabrom is a diuretic product included in retail drugs available in over-the-counter medications.[1] The active diuretic ingredient is 8-bromotheophylline.
It is also available in combination with acetaminophen (paracetamol) for menstrual relief. The acetaminophen helps reduce menstrual pains and the pamabrom reduces associated bloating.

Cara ate a special brownie probably and doesn't realize it yet. It'll make you fart and piss a lot and block pain looks like.