say something about ... yourself!

just called my brother's kid's mom a fat cow

Bozzltov (10:19:04 PM): ever get so pissed off at a female that you flat out tell her that she's quite fat?
Bozzltov (10:19:20 PM): thats what i just did to my brother's kid's mother
Bozzltov (10:19:22 PM): *nods*
Bozzltov (10:19:28 PM): backstory:
I wantYouToWalk (10:19:48 PM): ..
Bozzltov (10:20:00 PM): her family is white trash, she's worthless, doesnt do anything for herself.. my family does EVERYTHING for her, and she isn't grateful for any of it
Bozzltov (10:20:11 PM): calls my mom a bitch, calls me names, calls my brother names
Bozzltov (10:20:22 PM): curses (fuck, shit, faggot) at her 2 year old kid
Bozzltov (10:20:44 PM): calls me a bad influence on the kid for teaching him "happy birthday bitches" and "vincent price eats bitches"
Bozzltov (10:21:03 PM): when, she does more harm to the kid than i ever could
Bozzltov (10:21:04 PM): ANYWAY
Bozzltov (10:21:09 PM): she was calling me a bad influence again today
Bozzltov (10:21:13 PM): yelling at me, yelling at my brother
Bozzltov (10:21:34 PM): telling my brother to say "stop" to the kid in a nice fashion, then turns around and yells "FUCKING STOP THAT SHIT!" to the kid
Bozzltov (10:22:06 PM): i told her that if she doesnt like it at my house, to get the fuck out. as she was leaving, she said more shit to me, so i said "ohh boohooo, i dont appreciate anything that anyone does for meeee boohooo i'm a fat cow"
Bozzltov (10:22:20 PM): fat cow is truthful because she hasn't lost ANY weight from the baby
Bozzltov (10:22:24 PM): ...she had him over 2 years ago.
Bozzltov (10:22:38 PM): i hate people
Bozzltov (10:22:53 PM): </rant>
I wantYouToWalk (10:23:42 PM): hahahah
I wantYouToWalk (10:23:48 PM): tht was tottally acceptable
Bozzltov (10:23:53 PM): good, i thought so
Bozzltov (10:23:54 PM): lol
Bozzltov (10:24:00 PM): i men
Bozzltov (10:24:01 PM): i mean*
Bozzltov (10:24:10 PM): just flat out telling someone that they're fat isn't acceptable
Bozzltov (10:24:21 PM): but if they totally deserve it... give it all ya got!
Bozzltov (10:24:21 PM): hah
Bozzltov (10:24:45 PM): SO WHATS UP?!
I wantYouToWalk (10:24:45 PM): lol yes
I wantYouToWalk (10:24:47 PM): nada much
I wantYouToWalk (10:24:48 PM): you?
Bozzltov (10:25:01 PM): just called a cow a cow, other than that, nothing
Bozzltov (10:25:20 PM): oh
Bozzltov (10:25:24 PM): more backstory on my family:
Bozzltov (10:25:32 PM): my brother and the cow constantly steal shit from this house
Bozzltov (10:25:40 PM): my mom's pain medicine, money, dvds
Bozzltov (10:25:49 PM): yet she lets them stay over when they want
Bozzltov (10:26:01 PM): my dad doesn't do anything about it, as he's a half-a-piece-of-shit
I wantYouToWalk (10:26:04 PM): yous are crazies
Bozzltov (10:26:06 PM): so i'm the only one she can really rely on
Bozzltov (10:26:09 PM): yeah
Bozzltov (10:26:21 PM): as weird as it sounds, i'm the most level-headed person in the family
Bozzltov (10:26:24 PM): haha
Bozzltov (10:26:38 PM): mother always says that she needs me here to help, blah blah blah
Bozzltov (10:26:38 PM): OH
I wantYouToWalk (10:26:40 PM): im scared for your family
Bozzltov (10:26:58 PM): and the reason the cow is here is my brother was in jail for a week, and my mom offered to take cow to work every day
Bozzltov (10:27:11 PM): now that he's out of jail (since friday), they should go back to where they live, right?!
Bozzltov (10:27:13 PM): RIGHT
Bozzltov (10:27:15 PM): well, they refuse to go
Bozzltov (10:27:19 PM): REFUSE
I wantYouToWalk (10:27:37 PM): lol
I wantYouToWalk (10:27:38 PM): ok
Bozzltov (10:27:52 PM): soooo i told my mom that if they aren't gone when i get back from Trotsky practice tomorrow night, i'm loading up my jeep with my valuables and sleeping in it in some parking lot somewhere until they do leave
Bozzltov (10:27:56 PM): *shrugs*
Bozzltov (10:28:15 PM): i'm willing to be HOMELESS if that's what i have to do to get away from these people
Bozzltov (10:28:26 PM): </rant v2.0>

yes, 5 of them
Ahh, it's always a good night when my psycho brother makes threats that something bad is going to happen to me, because I complained that his excessive showers water down my shampoos, body washes, and anything else I happen to leave in the shower like a normal person. Seriously...I'm just getting tired of my money being wasted because his ridiculous showers manage to let water seep into closed bottles.

Wow! how long is he in there? He has to knock them over on to the floor or something to get water in a closed bottle. Your brother must be permanently wrinkled all over too. :lol: hmmm, I don't know anyone that doesn't leave them in the shower. I have a caddy, but I always put them in the corner anyhow. Those darn things never stay up anyway.
Ahh, it's always a good night when my psycho brother makes threats that something bad is going to happen to me, because I complained that his excessive showers water down my shampoos, body washes, and anything else I happen to leave in the shower like a normal person. Seriously...I'm just getting tired of my money being wasted because his ridiculous showers manage to let water seep into closed bottles.
You didn't kick his penis inverted? I'm guessing this was DVDEEEEEEEEEE brother.
I feel like I'm on tour... going out every night, drinking every night having a blast!!!!

BUT: I fucking HATE HATE HATE smoking in bars... it's killing me every morning
My hair and clothes smell like an ash tray and my throat feels blah.
If only they'll ban smoking in bars here IF ONLY!
You didn't kick his penis inverted? I'm guessing this was DVDEEEEEEEEEE brother.

His immediate response to any kind of criticism is to have a tantrum and make violent threats.

He went on saying how Cara has some sort of mental problem. So I started laughing and said YOU OF ALL PEOPLE TO CLAIM SOMEONE HAS MENTAL ISSUES, so he amended it to say the rest of the family is crazy as well. I don't think he got what I was implying there.

And then he went on a rant how everyone hates him and is out to get him. So now we can add paranoia to his list of craziness, along with his OCD and social anxiety.

I'm usually fighting in my dreams

I often get the same, sometimes with the cliched "jelly-arms" effect.

So I had no way of seeing the Calzaghe vs Jones Jr. fight on Saturday and have not found replay vids anywhere. Plus I'll be hearing all about it later tonight. Fuck's sake. :bah:
woke up this morning and my right eye hurt REALLY bad. didn't see anything in it, no scratches, nothing.

went to work and over the next few hours, it developed into a randomly occurring and excruciating stabbing pain in my eyeball. like, it was getting so bad that i had tears running down my face. i mentioned it to coworkers and got theories of everything from pink eye to a blood vessel about to burst. was able to leave early because it was hurting me so bad.

went to the optomitrist at the mall, got my eyes examined and the optomitrist picked a piece of lint out of my eye, problem solved (FIFTY FUCKING DOLLARS!) ... on the drive home and i feel another sharp pain, then another when i'm getting out of the car. hopefully it's just irritation from the dye he had to put into my eyes or something. put in some solution he gave me and am keeping my fingers crossed that that's the last of it.