say something about ... yourself!

My best good friend is on leave from the Navy and tomorrow he's getting married. Going out for one last hurrah tonight before he gets stationed in Nevada. Possible strip club action. CAN A NIGGA GET A TABLE DANCE!!?!! I'm gonna drink myself into Wednesday.
lol @ my company filing bankruptcy or something today.

Speaking of bankruptcy, I have a question for you US people there: Could anyone of you seriously picture the US government letting GM (and maybe Ford too in the course of it) going down the crapper?

Because, as of now, GM seems to be inevitably fucked.
I had a terrible dream this morning, my brother died and my dad just wasn't right in the head anymore (since his children are everything to him). One day he went missing, got in a bad accident and died. It was bad enough that i had to call my dad to make sure he was ok. Since i got of work last night i had this strange vision of an old dead body. My friend was going to go out to the bar when i droppeed him off from work, i called him and told him to be careful, because after i had that vision i had this weird feeling all the way back home. I was relieved to see him here at work, he said he didn't go because another friend called him (the friend that was suppose to go to the bar with him) and told him that she wasn't going to go because she had a bad feeling that night.

I don't know, i've lost the feeling now but I'm still wondering if something might happen in the near future...
That night Mike's little brother had to go to the hospital for having a blood sugar lvl of 400, he is still hospitalized from what he told me.

Normally when I get these feelings i really be careful, most of the time something does happen and it is strange. I also believe that dreams mean something. Everytime i dream of a storm or tornado's, i get upset over something later that day. It happens everytime i dream of tornado's.
Weird... my dad called me yesterday and told me that during his usual morning walk with the dog, he discovered the body of a teenage kid that had pulled his truck over to the side of the road and shot himself in the head.

Something was up with yesterday.
I'm usually fighting in my dreams, so I believe my dreams are from my subconscious imagination, me getting to be a superhero or whatever. I don't want prophetic dreams.

Also, I'm eating some of my mom's chicken noodle soup she made for me and my sister since we're sick. By all that is holy, this is some madly delicious soup!
Ahh, it's always a good night when my psycho brother makes threats that something bad is going to happen to me, because I complained that his excessive showers water down my shampoos, body washes, and anything else I happen to leave in the shower like a normal person. Seriously...I'm just getting tired of my money being wasted because his ridiculous showers manage to let water seep into closed bottles.