My Day, by Det Som.
On my off day, my supervisor text me at 6 AM asking me to come to work. I agree, but tell him I'm on two hours of sleep and I'd rather not stay long. I end up staying until 4:30 PM. He appreciates me staying, he says. He pulls me into the manager's office and out of no where tells me exactly which of our staff is staying and which are getting fire.
One of the one's getting fired after seasonal hasn't been there for a week. He was a really cool guy who wanted to get high with me. But I just snitched and said that he stole an Ipod. I don't know. He has another job, he was about to fuck this one girl in the short week he was there who was supposedly saving herself for some guy in Chicago.
Maybe it was the bars, I don't know. But I just fucking said he did it. You're supposed to get money for that, but I never asked for any.
4:30 I get off, 6:00 pm I go home and shortly after I'm detained and in the back of a cop car for the first time in a good while. To no fault of my own, I assure you. A certain drunk I'm related to had a lot to do with it.
The police tell me I have to leave my house. I go to my best friends house and have a good time chillin' with my niggas. Then this chicks boyfriend shows up to remind me how rich he is, good looking he is, how cool he is. Playing Dead Space on his expensive laptop. I'm reminded why once he came around "on a date of ours ironically", we're so distanced.
I hate life.