say something about ... yourself!

Oh shit, I just remembered one:
i was the captain on a ship (water, not space) that was participating in scientific experiments involving portals to other dimensions when we got hijacked and taken prisoner by another ship, that was so huge it had like a small suburban style town on it, with yards and everything. There was a mass escape that involved some gun fighting. The whole thing was incredibly vivid and maybe a bit lucid.

My dreams are way cooler than my life.
I'm not going to find the Awesome Dream Thread so I'll post it here.

Had one of the best dreams ever.

I was a super hero, had these awesome powers (kind of like a Super Sayian in a way) but I could fly, and had a great amount of energy. I was the leader of a small group of super hero's and all of them were taken by an evil clan (which was also very powerful)

I would fly around, sneaking around villains, using great amounts of energy to demolish anyone that tried to kill me. It was like City of Villains (or hero's, whichever you prefer) It was soooooo kick ass. If i had a dream like that every time i woke up i would be in a much better mood.

To dream that you are a hero, signifies your inner strength and weaknesses. It may be representative of how you are bravely facing and challenging the secrets of your unconscious.

To dream that you are a superhero, indicates your above-average talents, ideas, and abilities you may not realized you possessed

That is pretty cool. Any time I've always dreamed of some kind of super hero status, I was always the villain. I think that is a matter of stepping out side of yourself or something like that. Especially that dream where my mom and I robbed a house, and was running from the police. It's kind of strange because I've never been in trouble with the law in my entire life.
I had like three super vivid dreams last night, but i dont remember what any of them were about. i just remember waking up three times and thinking "woah".

Oh my how the red bull messed with my dreams last night. I had a dream that involved Jordan, Lou, and DJ from the show last night (no Tony, Chris, or Max) and while trying to hide from Jordan, Fat Kevin started to rise from the black lake all menacing like and I freaked and woke up. But when I woke up, I couldn't focus and still freaked rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.

Very vivid, too.
Stealing - it may signify unrealized and unfulfilled goals. You may have set your goals too high.

I think you may be setting high goals for your artwork.

I have been told by a few people that I'm too picky, anal, and start over too much when it's not going my way, rather then just letting the flaws be.

Damn, Livah, you need to open up a dream interpretation thread! :worship:
Yeah I've seen Max's nipples, but not fat Kevin's nipples. Fat Kevin is soo stingy with those nipples. :lol: Moobs make the man you know!

Say something thread stuff,

I'm still sick so, It brings the retard out in me. :lol:
Drove for the first time today. And I wasn't too terrible at it.
You're probably better at it then I was. I panicked a lot the first few times. Gotta love the country for safety reasons. Stick or avtomatic? (I learned in stick, still hate it 9 years later.)