say something about ... yourself!

You're probably better at it then I was. I panicked a lot the first few times. Gotta love the country for safety reasons. Stick or avtomatic? (I learned in stick, still hate it 9 years later.)

I went over a curb once, but avoided hitting any of the plants in the parking lot where we were. And it was my boyfriend's truck which is an automatic, but it's also huge, so I couldn't see over the hood. For a while I was just coasting without hitting the gas, but I eventually moved up to marginally faster speeds.

I'm probably going to go down to Daly City when I take the test because apparently you don't have to parallel park or any of that other complicated shit they make you do in SF.
I was terrified at the idea of having to drive down the highway to work everyday at first, but now I love and look forward to it. Especially in the morning when it's dark. Time for two songs, then...oh yeah. I have to do a 1000 piece truck tomorrow! By myself after awhile. It's gonna suck.
I can count on one hand the number of times I've had to parallel park. I suspect that it's just pissy bullshit used to fail people so that they have to pay their damned test fees more often.

Yeah, but unlike other things there are really only two difficulty levels - easy spots (where all you have to do is remember to turn the big wheel thingy) and imfuckingpossible spots (where two morons have sandwiched a space in between so well that even thinking about parking there puts dings on bumpers) - found in the real world.

Hah, you don't live in San Francisco though. Here there is a severe need for parallel parking.

But the impossible ones are worth attempting when you've already circled the block four times trying to find a spot.

People who haven't been to S.F. just don't understand how it is designed to make driving as difficult as possible. While the thought of you parallel parking a truck in the City is hi-larious, the thought of "circling the block four times" (and what that actually entails depending on which block you mean) fills me with rage and nausea.

Reflecting more on the issue, I feel safe saying that the driving situation is 75% of the reason I never go to SF for any reason.

I took my driving test in San Antonio, in a 1984 Cadillac Seville. The cones they had set up for parallel parking were physically too close to fit the car.
I went over a curb once, but avoided hitting any of the plants in the parking lot where we were. And it was my boyfriend's truck which is an automatic, but it's also huge, so I couldn't see over the hood. For a while I was just coasting without hitting the gas, but I eventually moved up to marginally faster speeds.

I'm probably going to go down to Daly City when I take the test because apparently you don't have to parallel park or any of that other complicated shit they make you do in SF.
i failed the test at my local dmv several times because of a) my nonexistent depth perception and b) their retarded nit-picking (stopping at the stop sign but being like an inch over the top bar, not looking left a second time at a stop sign) then i went to a place 45 min away and passed with almost no points taken off

but yeah, i suck at city driving since i have almost no depth perception and also because i've been driving buicks which are unnecessarily wide, same with freeway driving because of merging during rush-hour traffic and since my car is a piece of shit
Don't forget that time when we were leaving that coffee place at night and you totally smacked into that awesome awesome (edit: parked) car, and I kept telling you to drive drive drive drive drive because the only person that witnessed it sped away, as well.