say something about ... yourself!

yep. did it quick, then sent it out for manufacturing :tickled:

hey, by the way. could you give the cd a listen and give it a positive review on [ame][/ame]

This, I want this for Christmas. K, thx.


^ I want that for Thanksgiving! :oops: He is a delectable piece of meat. Om nom nom nom. :lol:

Edit: All hail chest fur!

Edit again: WET, chest fur!
I bought a George Foreman grill today, fucking epic!! :kickass:

Also, I got hired for a shitty but well paying job. I make a lot of money listening to my pals from the USA whine about their cellphones. Today I heard a girl arguing to get a 4 dollars credited back to her because supposedly she told AT&T to stop texting her with promotions and it was costing her money. First of all, those ads are free texts, they cost you nothing. Secondly, she had those ads blocked. Finally, all the texts she had received were from her friends and people in her area... So yeah, what a blatant idiot. I couldn't believe she called and got upset to try and scam 4 dollars in text messages... jesus.

And her accent was disgusting.