say something about ... yourself!

I dont like Ovechkin, he is a double faced jerk. He can play great but on the other hand he often goes beyond the borderline in roughness (aka pointing at a couple things he did that got him suspended for a couple games but IMO those were too soft, cos he is a *STAR*). Really great players DONT do that. Really great players dont act like spoiled brats in game by doing such vicious hits. For the couple boardings he did this season, the punishments were too soft, cos he is many fans' sweetheart... But he would deserve a season-long ban for any of those.

pfff... You just described Crosby...
Is this better?


there we go, aren't you just a CUTTIE!

I bet it tastes good in a burger.
Good luck, and promise not to be a nonchalant douchewacker on the air if you get a job in sports broadcasting. There's plenty of those to go around in that part of the industry *cough* Don Cherry *puke*
Good luck, and promise not to be a nonchalant douchewacker on the air if you get a job in sports broadcasting. There's plenty of those to go around in that part of the industry *cough* Don Cherry *puke*
haha no worries man. I have no interests in on-air anything anymore. I'd be working in the ad department of the website. Producing and controlling all the ads on the page, basically.
pfff... You just described Crosby...

Well, there were more "nice" guys this season. But Ovechkin was like one of most "prominent" of the sinners. I dont know what Crosby did but I know what I saw in highlights, Ovechkin doing a couple quite crazy and dangerous hits. Sometimes he plays excellent and then as if he went cookoo and does stuff like that. Stuff like that SHOULDNT HAPPEN to really great players. And if it does, maybe they didnt grow up enough yet. Ovechkin is a freakin mammoth, and he uses it in his play, but often he abuses it to his advantage in a way where dudes end up in hospital with concussion and such. And he just got a few games penalization, wth... He is presented as a star and sometimes he abuses it, almost as if he thought he is untouchable...

But yea eff him... my fav player atm is Marian Hossa for Chicago... I mean, he was in Ottawa long ago, and thanks to him they got so far. Then he was in Atlanta, and again. Then he got into Pittsburgh, and they almost won Stanley Cup. Next season he got into Detroit, and again, almost Stanley Cup. Now he is in Chicago and I wouldnt be surprised if again he was one of the main engines of the team to get them to playoffs finals. He can do most of stuff like Ovechkin does, is good at defensive play too, and all the time remains down to earth, as great as he is and first off all, he doesnt do vicious hits like Ovechkin sometimes does, the contrary - since he is one of best players of Chicago usually he would be the target for such stuff.

So go Chicago go! I hope they win Stanley Cup. By the end of the year I should be living not that far from Chicago, so it would be so cool to be able to go there and see the cup live :saint::saint::saint:
A story for Derick. I didn't bother telling it this morning because he was halfway sleeping.

So I got up at 2:45 to pee, went in the bathroom, and noticed something large and black at the bottom of Blueberry's tank! I thought maybe it was a discolored piece of gravel that I hadn't noticed before, or a bug, or...something. It was about the size of an average piece of gravel.

Anyway, I decided to go get the fish net and scoop it out, and as soon as I came out of the bathroom to head into the kitchen, Patrick got up from his movie chair and scurried into the kitchen. And just as I was about to go to the cabinet to get the fish net, he went to the cabinet and started doing his thing where he just rustles around in the cabinet to make it look like he's doing something. UGH.

So I stood there with my hands on my hips, and finally he moved out of the way. So I got the fish net, started going back to the bathroom, and he scurried into the laundry room to hide. I know he wasn't doing laundry because his towels were already back in the bathroom, clean and dry. :lol:

UGGGGGHHHHH so all that trouble is pretty much why I couldn't fall back to sleep! :bah:

But anyway! Back to the fish tank. When I scooped out the object and inspected it, I realized it was a HUGE FISH TURD. Then I looked at Blueberry, and his swollen belly was back to it's normal size! Wtf, I don't know how he was able to pass something that large!! But he's definitely feeling better now :p
Nick & I are gonna cannonball down to Pomona tonight to see the Dillinger Escape Plan, rage like insane maniacs on drugs for 45 minutes, then blitz back up and try to be back in SF before rush hour.

Could've been so much easier if they'd just book a Bay Area show. But you gotta do what you gotta do.