say something about ... yourself!

Written part of my final exams just 5days ahead aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :p

Damn looking forward to them, I can tell ya :lol:

Anyways, Blackhawks vs Sharks, woohoo :p

I hope Montreal wins today, they probably arent better than Pittsburgh, but hell... a goalie like Halak doesnt deserve to get eliminated yet! From what I saw, he owns just about any goalie in this playoffs, the only one that can match him atm is Nabokov, but thats in other conference atm :lol:

I am not a big fan of Habs, but hey, I give em much credit for eliminating WSH, and if they eliminate PIT, Halák will be promoted from demigod to a regular pagan god in Canada :lol:
Agreed, math is difficult, but it's the language for understanding the Universe and I as I continue with Biology, I'm forced to minor in it. But I think it's worth it.