Scariest/Spookiest Experience?

ever done shrooms?? that can be pretty damn scary (smoke a bowl 2 hours into it).

other than that, I've drowned and been shot at in a few dreams.
ever done shrooms?? that can be pretty damn scary (smoke a bowl 2 hours into it).

other than that, I've drowned and been shot at in a few dreams.

I've done shr00ms a fair few times and never had any bad experiences. Lol at being shot at/drowned in dreams. =p
When I was in Year 6 we went on camp to some old monastery, and two events in general happened there that scared the shit out of me and my friends. The first one happened when we went up to a dark window. Me and my mate looked into it and saw the face of one of the dead monks, which then vanished. Needless to say it scared the shit out of us. The second one was when we went into one part of the building when no one was there and called out for a joke. The air suddenly went very cold and we felt a presence, after which we ran away. It sounds like bullshit but it happened.
This is scary but it didn't happen to me.

This friend of one of the counselors at a camp I went to and one of his friends went camping in these woods for one night. Theres this old man who lives in the woods illegally. And one of the two guys brought a disposable camera, when they got back and developed the film half the pics were of them sleeping.

I live in Maryland, home of the murder capital of the USA.

I've been in a parking lot numerous times where a woman got raped, and I've been to this 7 11 where a girl got stabbed and a woman was killed. At my high school a kid killed his friend with cyanide.

I was threatened to be killed on the internet by someone who said they knew where I lived, no idea who they were, I'm sorta scared though because if they go to my school they could bring a weapon to school.

Oh this is the scariest.

I had this annoying neighbor named TJ when I lived in NJ.

So he slept over one night (didn't want him there) and there were two beds in the room we were in and when I woke up (this is a little fuzzy) I think he was watching me or in the same bed with me (clothed). It was creepy. That kid walked into my house when the door was open when we were packing our stuff to move. I was in the middle of a game on my gamecube and he starts playing it.

One time I was walking in the woods, it was dark and misty, and there is this little shed there that scares me at night (my friend said it was the same shed he saw in a dream when an old lady came out of it and killed him) but yeah I was walking in the mist and I couldn't see anything and then I hear an organ playing, and it seems to be coming from all around. And it couldn't be a school band (the school is nearby) because it was the middle of summer. So I started running away and it faded.

I also cut my thumb on a deer skull before, and I opened it and there were tons of ticks inside of it. I'm kinda scared of ticks, because I've had lime disease.
Last night I was going to the bathroom and (when I was done) suddenly my heart was beating slowly, then it stopped and I started hitting my chest and then I woke up on the floor, and I have a lump on my head.
Nearly got stabbed by my old bassist after he stabbed our roadie (who survived, thankfully).

Good times, good times.
wtf?? how did that happen??

Very long story...have to go to trial in March of 09 (I think.). As much as it sucked, it got that idiot out of the band and now we can actually write good shit because he always wanted to put the dumbest stuff in songs and he'd mess up everything we wrote, so I guess somethin good came out of it. :lol: Probably the worst experience of my life, but a bit of a blessing if you look hard enough. :D
The most scariest moment of your life?.....right now as ur reading this im standing directly behind u getting ready to cum on ur face.......quick...oh god....TURN AROUND.......yeah giggity giggity goo
I've halluncinated several times during episodes of sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis in general can be scary and it sucks, but none were exactly "spooky" except one. I was in my dorm room in college trying to take a nap and I got sleep paralysis. All of a sudden I could feel an intense light on me and I felt like I was being lifted off the bed through the ceiling and there was a loud "spaceship-y" sound. A few moments later I woke up, of course, not having moved at all, but it sure felt real at the time. That's why I'm convinced that today 99.9% of people who claim alien abductions are just suffering from sleep paralysis hallucinations and don't realize it.
Sounds a lot like lucid dreaming. I used to have a lot of lucid dreams. But none supernatural.
Last night I was going to the bathroom and (when I was done) suddenly my heart was beating slowly, then it stopped and I started hitting my chest and then I woke up on the floor, and I have a lump on my head.

That happened to me a few weeks back, I had just gotten home from work and went to lay down for a while before going to the bar. I laid there for about 10 minutes or so and then I felt my heart stop suddenly for what seemed like minutes but was actually probly only a second or so, I couldn't breath or move, completely paralized.. when I re-gained my functions my hand SLAMMED down onto my cell phone that was sitting on the night stand nearly breaking it. I paused for a second until I gathered my thoughts.

Talked to a friend of mine's mom who is a nurse and she said it was a panic attack. I thought you could only get them in situations of extreme stress guess I was wrong. Was the scariest damn thing I've ever been through and I hope it never happens again. I am a bigger guy so the thought of a heart attack is always looming overheard.