Scary movies

Ihreil Junkenstein said:
And theres another classic film right there. Rear window.
I think we may have hit on it -- I tend to find the older/classic films more "scary" because they rely more on messing with your mind. The newer films tend to rely on gore or violence to be "scary."
Some of the movies I tend to find scary are the ones where what they're depicting is's when it's too over the top that it's silly.

I also agree with Miss Maisie, here -- after growing up with Hellraiser, Ft13th, Nightmare on Elm Street (was the first almost scary? can't remember) and all the gory b-horror movies of the mid-80s. Being scared takes a LOT, and nothing on a screen really does it.

It takes a lot to violate our sense of right/wrong as well as violation of the sacred/profane...
i don't watch many scary movies,not my thing.the scariest i've seen is the excorcist,i know most of you laugh with it.i find the atmosphere of this film compelling,didn't scare me while i was watching it but surely made me lose my sleep
I love horror movies but I'm not sure I've ever really been scared by one in a long time. Recently though The Others has been my favorite. But it's not a real scary movie. But I thought it was excellent. Great atmosphere, no special effects, good ending.
yeah,a few very scary scenes,at least at the cinema.a great performance by kidman,it's ridiculous that she was proposed for an oscar for moulin rouge and not this one
Yeah I enjoy the movies that rely more on disturbingness rather than gore or slashing.

What Lies Beneath was done really well, imo, as well as The Others
the ring sucks balls....

I would say.... Requiem for a dream was disturbing (not so much scary) ...

I liked ...ummm what else...

OH YEAH!!!!! YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE!!!*drum roll*


that is one insane/scary/disturbing movie...

Phantasms I liked....

I also have this weird erk about any movie with "live killer dolls" ... so that would include the Puppetmasters...

lets see what else.... oh yeah.. the Evils Deads .. umm... oooohhh... anyone ever seen "It's Alive" ...?? that scared the shit out of me when I was 4... (its prolly more a cheezy flic now... but I actually used to have dreams about that scary looking baby and that I was begging it not to bite my head off...)

Basketcase was weird... (and it show penis :p )

I would say Children of the Corn | Hellraisers

and what the hell is the name of this movie... (I keep thinking its Halloween, but its not coz that Mike Myers or whatever) anyway... these movies started back in the 70's and had about 8 of them.... it was the pumpkin masks that had a shamrock pin on it.. and when the kids put them on it altered their minds... and the stupid t.v. would play this annoying music and sing "15 days til halloween...halloween...halloween."
anyone got a clue wtf the name of this movie is?
"120 days in Sodom" is another title if i said it correctly (the english title i mean)
it is by far the SICKEST movie ever (if you take german scat movies out) ...if you think about what is going on , it is SCARY
i agree with what mistress masie said. a disturbing movie can be more terrifying than your typical scary movie.

a realistically disturbing movie is "audition" (it's japanese). talk about a middle-aged man's worst nightmare...

another one with grotesque imagery is "ichi the killer," by the same director. i can't watch it without wincing :tickled:. i was going through a j-horror phase and stocked up on imported dvds.

my other half thinks i'm disturbed :lol:!
The most recent horror movie that impressed me was GINGER SNAPS.

It really impressed me, not too shabby.

Candyman was cool....even though the original book was better.
I'd say quite a few stephen king movies are well done to a degree.
I've never seen a horror movie that scared me in my life.

The following movies have scared the trousers off me though:
Robocop 2
Disney's Aladin *shudders*
Power Rangers The Movie
Wall Street
The Blair Withc Project is a scary movie depending on when you watch it or how you watch it. Theaters? No. At 2 in the afternoon with a bunch of people and noise outside? Definately not. The best way to watch it is at 2 in the morning, all lights off, by yourself, and with headphones on loud. Its a whole different experience then. That is when I first saw the film, and in my opinion the only way to watch it. It was not stupid at all, it actually used great and real scaring techniques rather then stupid monsters or special effects. Not that special effects are always bad though.
SunlapseVertigo said:
The Blair Withc Project is a scary movie depending on when you watch it or how you watch it. [snip] The best way to watch it is at 2 in the morning, all lights off, by yourself, and with headphones on loud. Its a whole different experience then. That is when I first saw the film, and in my opinion the only way to watch it. It was not stupid at all, it actually used great and real scaring techniques rather then stupid monsters or special effects. Not that special effects are always bad though.

You know that's kind of an interesting point. BWP was recorded, if I recall, in fairly lo-fi stereo, i.e., not intended for 5.1 or anything supercool like that. Mood can play a great deal into perception of something. We watched it at around Midnight, with all the lights out, but with a center channel, something tells me that might diddle with the dynamics of the sound....interesting.

I guess another example of how/when you watch something affecting you. I remember seeing a post, earlier, about Exorcist. I STILL can't watch it all the way through in one sitting. Being 30, now, it's probably a little easier than when I was 12, which was when I snuck downstairs and watched it, alone, at 12:30am, on an old Magnavox TV with 1 speaker... What got to me, then, and still gets to me is that part of me that is disturbed by the idea that it COULD happen. Dunno...I haven't seen anyone spin their head around or projective vomit pea soup, but when you actually get vibes from a movie, it stays with you.

Dunno. I'm actually trying to think of a movie that scared me... no luck thus far. Books, on the other hand...
I don't think any one has mentioned The Exorcist. I didn't scare me when I first watched, because I just watched movies for gory violence. But when it was re-released not too long ago, that's when it creeped me out. Not necessarily while you're watching it, but after it is over.

The best horror movies are the ones that make you scared for some time after watching it, but I can't really think of any that have really done that to me, besides The Exorcist. Of course, I've seen this movie several times, so it doesn't have the original effect anymore.