school (oh yes, i brought back this controversial topic...)

its my major, im in a technical school. we're on Office for this semester. Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint... next semester (starting friday) i go into accounting among other business-type subjects. next year (as juniors), we can choose to major primarily in computers or business. im grabbing at the computer-side of things. we are going to be working on A+ certification, among other more advanced topics than just Office
Working with puters is gonna pay SHIT cash.

Fucking every kid thinks, "oh, computers are the future, where all the jobs are at and money"


because of all this thinking, the "man" is gonna need MANUAL labor, and THATS where the money'll be at.

OH YEAH!!!!!
oh yeah, gorrilaaaa is right

psycho-logy goes to chicks

they fuck the male patients and get out all the repressed feelings
Nothing much yet. I'm still on the introductory level. It gets interesting later on when you get to kiddie psychology and developmental psychology and all that.
Hey DSM, the best part of psychology class is the videos. When I took it we had videos that investigated firsthand the different disorders. Interesting stuff.
There's a Career&Tech Center at my school... but I cannot see myself going there. I don't specialize in anything computer related or any of the things that ppl claim you need for the real world. I'm beginning to think that professions involving creativ writing are becoming obsolete and useless in most people's minds... hence, it's the only thing I specialize in. Way to go against the grain. I am signing up to take Psychology1 next year,though. I figure I might be able to do some self-psycho analyzation. And plus it seems like an interesting subject. I'll get to find out just how accurate the descriptions of mental breakdowns I have in most of my stories (read: Beyond the Mirror and Into Dreams pt.2) are.