School Pranks


Stoner Guitarist
Sep 19, 2003
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Hey guys, Just asking about some hilarious pranks you have done while at school. One that me and my friends have done was we got 250m of glad wrapped and taped this guy to the flag pole, we managed so that he got stuck there overnight until teachers came in the morning. That was pretty funny, how about you guys?
A friend of mine, once threw some 3 stink bomb or something like that into 3 classes on our floor including our class in school, nobody knew he did it, coz he threw one near his desk. They started an investigation and whatnot, but nobody knew who did it :loco:
I got taped to a flagpole once and had to stay there overnight until the teachers came to save me in the morning. Horrible...
"the dog shit bomb" was always my favorite this is how you do it
1.get some fresh dog shit and put it in a bag
2.get some m-80s
3.dump the dog shit in target area place m-80 in the dog shit light the fuse and RUN LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that shit goes every where best place to do it, facilty parking lot!
I didn't really prank, but my school was a bit mad.

One time we where throwing paper balls about, then some mad bastard grabs the fucking table (small single tabels), and threw it across the room. Nearly hit someone in the head with it.
Alwin said:
I got taped to a flagpole once and had to stay there overnight until the teachers came to save me in the morning. Horrible...
That's pretty awful. :(

Hmm... I once used lipstick to draw stuff all over lockers in the school. They never caught me, but they scrubbed away my precious paintings. :(
Some clever bastard burnt down some multimilililon computer facilities at my highschool.

That was clever.
i didn't really do any major pranks, just alot of stupid shit
like lighting lockers on fire and sticking condoms on door knobs etc..

but i remember when i was 17 these graduates on the last day of school brought in a whole bunch of chickens and let the loose in the hallways
haha that was good times
No major "pranks"... Got kicked out of a few classes for pulling some shit, and a number of slightly more serious activities that nearly got me in some serious trouble with the law (but luckily they couldn't gain the necessary evidence). Dumb high-school-kid shit.
IconOfSin said:
but i remember when i was 17 these graduates on the last day of school brought in a whole bunch of chickens and let the loose in the hallways
haha that was good times
Chickies! Yay! I love chickies!

Someone stole a bunch of computers from my school. Also, a guy once pushed this chair with his friend on it around the school really fast during lunch hour. That guy was weird...
I sent a bunch of gay porno ads to my assistant principal.
mousewings said:
Chickies! Yay! I love chickies!

Someone stole a bunch of computers from my school. Also, a guy once pushed this chair with his friend on it around the school really fast during lunch hour. That guy was weird...
some of the teachers got mad and started kicking thrm lol, and the principle was freaking out haha
IconOfSin said:
some of the teachers got mad and started kicking thrm lol, and the principle was freaking out haha
:( What an asshole. Poor chickies. Reminds me of the prank where they let loose 3 pigs in a school labelled 1, 2, and 4. That way people will be looking for pig no. 3 when they're all captured.

@Arch: brilliant idea. Just brilliant.
mousewings said:
:( What an asshole. Poor chickies. Reminds me of the prank where they let loose 3 pigs in a school labelled 1, 2, and 4. That way people will be looking for pig no. 3 when they're all captured.
i was going to pull this prank by getting a bucket or two full of frogs and throwing them in the vice principles office, it was going to be easy since the window can open from the outside, so me and some freinds caught a bucket each with some frogs early in the morning thank god for the rain, we were about to but got caught before we had the chance and were asked what we're doing with those :lol:
10th grade me and a couple of friends would get gay porn and use hair gel to stick it to walls and concrete all over the school (some hundred pictures at a time), but only around the teachers that were real assholes (one was a big ass pervert, always stared at girls like a pedophile - he got it real bad!). we only did it ~4 times though - couldnt stand looking at that gay shit!