school sucks

when i was forced to take business classes for my CS degree, we would bring our laptops and use the business school's wireless network to hop on IRC. That made all the bullshit go much faster :)
Its only the third day of school, and im in my computer class 2.5 hours a day and so far our teacher has given us so much stuff we dont even have time to go on the internet. we're not really allowed but I did it last year like every day and he didnt notice
College was great for meeting people, I can't say I learned much though. There's many many many more ways to enjoy college besides classes.
I have 2 hr breaks in between all 4 of my classes...which in school from 11 Am to 9pm, case in point...dont sign up for you classes at the last minute when everything is closed or full.
I like my schedule this year...I am taking a lot of classes I've never been exposed to in high school. I have a lot more free time, and most of my professors seem really laid back. The people on my hall aren't that bad, really. My roommate is like the worst one of the people on this corner of my hall. There's a guy into Tool and Children of Bodom a few rooms down from me. The guy next door plays drums and is into all kinds of music. Noone has said anything bad about my music yet, and I've had some pretty decent conversations about music in general.

Of course, there are a lot of idiots. Overall, I think because my school is more music and art oriented that a lot of the people are a little more open-minded.

I have just been trying to make conversation with some people and trying to be more open I guess. I try to look past the idiotic things that sometimes spew from others' mouths and somewhat educate them in the process. I had a debate with my roommate today because he called something gay, and then he realized how much I despise that saying.

So, college has been pretty good for me so far.
I hope I have lunch with my friends this year. I hate not having lunch with my friends. Because then I sit in the corner with my cd player and people say that when I'm just kind of sitting there I look pissed off. So thusly I don't make any new friends. But when I'm with my friends, I'm happy and stuff, so people will talk to me.
I don't know how people can live in dorms. I'd go insane... I can barely stand living in an apartment with a friend. Well actually, I don't mind living with this guy, he's not the kind of person who can get too annoying, and he's pretty quiet. I just like being able to hide away for a while, and not see or deal with anyone. Can't do that in a dorm =\
I shall take the opportunity to rant.

I had my orientation for my master's program in Public Policy yesterday (through tomorrow), and I'm sooo disappointed at the people. I was assuming that I'd finally be with people who actually know a little something about politics and social issues and who might have something interesting to say.

But no. They all fit into the exact same little stereotypical niches as everyone did in undergrad. :mad: All the black people segregated themselves off and had a loud conversation about slave reparations, which every single one of them thought they deserved. The frat-boy types whipped out their cell phones and left loud messages about how drunk so-and-so was last night. The unrealistic tree-hugger environmentalists were in full effect, with their "I spent entirely too much to look like I didn't try at all" outfits. The clean-cut guy and girl that stumped me at first turned out to both be ignorant conservatives, just graduated from the Air Force Academy, and the military is not only paying their tuition, but paying them to go to class. And all the rest don't speak English, oddly enough. I'm wondering how the fuck they wrote their entrance essays. I mean, diversity is great, but not when they can't fucking communicate.

Just my luck, the only three people I hit it off with are PhD students, so I'll never see them again.
Yeah, apparently. It's just that, since I'm going into such a specific topic, I thought there would have to be some informed people -- since the entire field of study requires being informed!!!! Silly me. :lol: