Scott Ian: How to make ya band WORK!


New Metal Member
Oct 9, 2007
OK, I'm new on the forum, and there is a lot of talk bout which singer is better etc. etc.


Here's how it works in the music industry;

2; record ALBum
3; Release Album

repeat as desired. after a few cycles throw in;

A; change band member

then return to (1;)

repeat whole cycle as necessary til you give up on the whole bloody thing!

It is not necessary to;
a) drag out the b~ll@x about which singer will do what next.
b) leave 6 years between original albums.
c) release 42 'best of' or other compilations knowing that mugs like me will buy them even though I have six copies of "most" of the songs except that new 'live from my garage' version of the track you really liked on an album ten years ago.

Yes I loved Joey era 'thrax.
hell I Love John era 'thrax.

The lack of poularity for your band probably stems from the fact you f*$k about for too long before actually releasing or actually (shock horror) performing your music.

Fans get over line up changes, what they get bored with is rumours and inaction.
In short make a decision, release something or give it up.

Just let us know what you decide!

P.S. and MAYBE AINT good enough!!!!!!


Now, Bring forth the flames!
Basically what the dude above me said. Scott doesn't even come here anymore, and hasn't been for longer than I've been posting here. Not sure if it's because he's busy or just wants more money or what, but yep. I think it's kinda stupid; it really looks like whatever fame he's got is going to his head. ( I dunno about anywhere else, but I live in New England and whenever I mention Anthrax they're like "Who?":erk:)

Just because I am at this exact moment: NP: Queensryche; Rage for Order... fuck yes!! :headbang::headbang:

Hey, maybe they can get Geoff Tate for their next singer! :loco: (don't worry, I'm just kidding. He ruled in the day, but yeah. He's old and scary looking now. And don't you make any Joey jokes now! ... oops.)
is joey hyundai or subaru....J/k
but honestly, I think he looks pretty scary...
(to db)
Aw man, if Joey ever stumbled in here and read all the cracks on him I think he'd turn emo! :yow:
(now somebody better photoshop an emo Joey!! :p)
(to db)
Aw man, if Joey ever stumbled in here and read all the cracks on him I think he'd turn emo! :yow:
(now somebody better photoshop an emo Joey!! :p)


here's one Emo pic (not the best photshop.but well...) :cry: <<<<that's suppose to be joey
OK, I'm new on the forum, and there is a lot of talk bout which singer is better etc. etc.


Here's how it works in the music industry;

2; record ALBum
3; Release Album

repeat as desired. after a few cycles throw in;

A; change band member

then return to (1;)

repeat whole cycle as necessary til you give up on the whole bloody thing!

It is not necessary to;
a) drag out the b~ll@x about which singer will do what next.
b) leave 6 years between original albums.
c) release 42 'best of' or other compilations knowing that mugs like me will buy them even though I have six copies of "most" of the songs except that new 'live from my garage' version of the track you really liked on an album ten years ago.

Yes I loved Joey era 'thrax.
hell I Love John era 'thrax.

The lack of poularity for your band probably stems from the fact you f*$k about for too long before actually releasing or actually (shock horror) performing your music.

Fans get over line up changes, what they get bored with is rumours and inaction.
In short make a decision, release something or give it up.

Just let us know what you decide!

P.S. and MAYBE AINT good enough!!!!!!

Now, Bring forth the flames!

Does anybody care about this thread....

I haven't got to delete anything lately........
I feel trigger happy.....

One vote get it smoked!!!!!!:zombie::zombie::zombie:o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O:loco::puke::kickass::kickass:
cmon now thraxx.... everyones entitled to an opinion even if it sucks monkey balls. Besides, noiseboy here is obviously a music biz insider if not a legendary manager/producer. I would hate to run off a new member with that kind of value...cough...cough....bullshit...cough......
OK, I'm new on the forum, and there is a lot of talk bout which singer is better etc. etc.


Here's how it works in the music industry;

2; record ALBum
3; Release Album

I can simplify:

1. Get a bunch of guys together that can play.
2. Don't be Dicks to each other.
cmon now thraxx.... everyones entitled to an opinion even if it sucks monkey balls. Besides, noiseboy here is obviously a music biz insider if not a legendary manager/producer. I would hate to run off a new member with that kind of value...cough...cough....bullshit...cough......

It just pisses me off when I look at all the albums I've got that have the same fucking songs on!

And I imagine me playing Got the time as a system test are the only fucking times that Anthrax will be heard at high level in European arenas in the near, or distant, future!

two steps forward a hundred steps back!

they do an album like WCFYA which starts to attract people back to them. they raise there profile with the reunion tour, they shoulda had an album ready to go before they did the reunion thing and released it at the end of the tour to keep the ball rolling.

instead they just went back to fucking around with noone knowing whats going on.

maybe the lack of decisive direction would account for a lot of the bad luck they've had!