Seattle- here I come


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California

Deathklok has just booked an absolutely whore-impaling tour with Mastodon, High on Fire and Converge.
But since someone is an idiot and forgot to book a Bay Area date, I decided to grab my metal friends and fly up to Seattle to hit the show up there at the WaMu Theater, and visit some of my good friends in the city (...and some board members as well! :kickass: )

I'll be there on the weekend of October 3!

So yeah, Lets get drunk :cool:
whoa, to my misfortune I missed dethklok last year and mastodon this year. sooo...
i also noticed there was no @#$%@# SF date, and even though ive seen High on Fire plenty of times and Mastodon a bunch and even Mastodon with Converge i still really want to see this absolutely FACE RAEPING SHOW so i might travel somewhere as well!@
I'm totally going to this show. My buddy's been beggin' me about it for weeks.