Secret cover compilation from fans

Comprende - Im not "that" tight up about it :D

Can someone explain to me what this KFUCK thing is or whatever [private message is probably easier i assume ?]

Ill post my cover up as soon as its done dont worry :D

why dont you read this thread, mate? from the beginning. you'll find the link to our page too..
So, Dora, when will all this thing be over? It seems to me it's almost one year since it has begun :)
As each month brings new forum members around here, the "Wait, I want to make a cover too" cycle is almost unending.
By the way, if some of you have enjoyed the cover I've done with Unicorn, I would be glad if you could also give me your opinions on the "metal" part of my music. My website is:
You can download 2 rough demos of my songs. Just tell me what you think about it on my guestbook...thanks in advance!
its not even a half year.. it extended much, started a bit slow, then fast, then came many "wait 4 me" ppl..
But so far its over, we dont wait for others, but if someone happens to make one in these days, that can fit in. Just like Erik's second one did. so what is left:
i need to collect the data that needs to be written on the back side.. and send it to colddarkn., and he makes a cd and back cover, then its ready (around end of Nov.). I thought it could be some xmax thing, since no live shows or other occasions are near. In the next 2 weeks i have much work, so im busy.. but I dont plan to drag this -first CD part- to next year. OK?

in fact, CDN can make the covers without the text (with some dummy text), and I'll need them all in .psd file or whatever you made it in.. thanks
i think it would be more help if you remove your sig cos now ppl with modem will not be able to read this thread at all ;) (but thanks for the good ideas)
i just changed CISs cover to a new file I received instead of the first which was only the third of size of this. anyway, I think its better quality, though it sounds much softer than before, more atmospheric. give it a listen :)

whats with Ceruleans Murder? I think the first one was OK, I liked the vocals so you could do the same again..

and sorry valafar, but these days im also busy so laterz,

Cis song is better quality one cos previous was 64kbit or so..

HWG: New songs can come, any, just do it! :)
Dora said:
whats with Ceruleans Murder? I think the first one was OK, I liked the vocals so you could do the same again..
Oh... I'm not sure really, I think the sound is warmer on my second attempt to record it, I don't really like the sound on the first recording. As for the vocals, I'll wait and see for that, I might choose one of the guest vocals, or retry to sing myself anyway. I'd like to know which version other people think should be on the compilation though.
I'm ill. And nobody wanted to visit me today. :( So, I went to the cellar and began to make a version of "Evidence". After 3 hours, everything except for the vocals was recorded. It's not as "professional" as my "Omerta"-cover, but very spontaneous instead. :)
I will finish it tomorrow. Promise!

Please delete the "Deadhouse"-cover. Or replace it with "Evidence" tomorrow. :)
Unicorn said:
I'm ill. And nobody wanted to visit me today. :( So, I went to the cellar and began to make a version of "Evidence". After 3 hours, everything except for the vocals was recorded. It's not as "professional" as my "Omerta"-cover, but very spontaneous instead. :)
I will finish it tomorrow. Promise!

Please delete the "Deadhouse"-cover. Or replace it with "Evidence" tomorrow. :)

alright :)....
but i really think we should leave deadhouse... :rock:
it's one of the best...!
valafar said:
alright :)....
but i really think we should leave deadhouse... :rock:
it's one of the best...!

Thanks you. But it was on the official contest already, so it doesn't belong here.
But here's Evidence!
I changed the harmonics, but not the melodies. And my voice is pretty weak because of my illness, but it has the right feeling anyway, I think. :)