Seeing as how the North American tour is over...

> I just wanna tell CoB that they kicked fucking
> balls all over the place in the US on this tour

YEAH!!!! i don't know about in the US.... but in all the other Canadian provinces especially here :grin: they were fucking awesome±@£%¢¦³£¢¤±!!!!!!!
seeing you guys kick major ass on stage in Seattle was a dream come true. i even got to meet you briefly after the show at the restaurant when i got there with Nick B, but i was so star struck that i became shy. that just NEVER happens to me. :worship: :blush: :worship:

anyway... i just want to say to you (in case you ever read this) PLEASE COME BACK TO THE STATES SOOOOON - WE FUCKING LOVE YOU!

:rock: Bodom RUUUUUULES! :rock:

> overheard at the Blind Guardian forum:
> ThePaleKing: I thought it was called Power Metal because
> after you slay a dragon and sex a maiden you feel powerful.
> The PKH: I'd feel more powerful after slaying the maiden
> and havin sex with the dragon.

HAHAHHAHAHA±@£¢¬¤!!!!!!!!!!! crazy motherfuckers (: (:

(creatrix777 fangirl)
> "I'm an acquired taste."

can i um.... acquire you :grin: :grin: :grin:
The Colonel said:
I heard from this promoter I know that CoB will be the direct support on the Opeth tour. It was supposed to be Nevermore, but they dropped off, and I guess CoB is the number 1 choice to replace them, although it's not confirmed yet. If this happens, Moonspell will be opening, followed by Children Of Bodom, with Opeth headlining.

Yeah, i'm here in Montreal and Braveconcerts International have confirmed Iced Earth coming in April as well as an Opeth/Moonspell tour in march i believe. Children of Bodom could very well play with either of these tours, especially since they wanna get back to the US in the late spring.
> at the show in denver, it was soo brutal, that alexi actually impaled
> someone with that guitar of his, him and roope both. THey held him
> out to the crowd and he was all dead and stuff. then jaska beat him
> with his drum sticks till his arms fell off, and then henkka whipped
> him with his strings till he looked like a heavy metal jesus, and janne,
> well with his magic hands, you dont wanna know what he did.

hahahhahahahaha the Mortal Kombatants of Bodom --- FLAWLESS VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!±@£%¢¤¬?¦¤²¼
i would love to see a show were Cob not a fan of the 6 song set list...but its better than nothing and those 6 songs were better than anyone else's.

i think it would be bad ass if Cob and Opeth are on the same tour. there just that damn good!