Seen this Textures guitar video?


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
This dude is not a dude, he is a machine. :O

Skip to the end if you're not interested in how the riffs go and just want to see this dude own the guitar so hard.

Fuck me, I need to practice :erk:
All metal rhythm guitarists should strive to be this tight if they aren't already. He's just unreal
hahaha for this guy to record i bet its just like, yeah run through the song twice... ok now leads... ok, youre good. A man can only dream to one day be that tight lol
After playing guitar and bass properly for the first time in about 6 months I realized how sloppy iv gotten. This video only infuriates me more.

O well, on the other hand its not exactly impossible. Just a bit of practice, considering this guy wrote the material and has been probably playing it live every day since the album came out its not so crazy to expect hes tight.
Will watch those other 2 videos soon, awesome.

Yeah.. just gotta get to practising every day and it's not impossible at all to achieve that tightness. Practising every day isn't happening for me anymore though, damn :( Dunno why.

In the last 12 months, have to say I've lacked consistency.
Sometimes when I've picked up the guitar, I just haven't felt like practicing per se, and more just playing.
Also occasionally have days where I don't even pick up the guitar at all, due to a lack of motivation.
In the last 3 weeks, things have improved though. Been playing everyday, and been writing riffs to a metronome and just practicing them over and over until it becomes tighter and cleaner, and also going over my alternate picking again to a metronome.
Can definitely say that 3 weeks of being more focused has brought my game up a bit.
Hell, even if you can only find 30 minutes a day to fuck with some relatively difficult metal riffs against the metronome, that's way way better than no playing at all.
I love me some Textures! Great set of videos, more bands should do this. What better way to learn how to play someones songs than to be taught by them.
I´m not that impressed either, well the guy play thats for sure but at the end of the day the riffs still sucks sore sphincter. :)
.. havent really practiced for a year or so.. maybe i should begin again. :lol: