Seinfeld fans?

Priest of Evil

Adores the Number 666
Dec 1, 2005
You might be shocked.

Michael Richards goes on a racist rant at a live comedy show the other night.

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Personally, I knew the guy wasn't in his right mind, and he did apologize very well, a lot better than Gibson and Limbaugh did to receive forgiveness actually... so he's still ok in my book. Deep down everyone is a racist, no side more so than the other. We all hate each other, and as soon as we accept that reality, the healing can begin.

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WHo cares I mean really, get out of your politically correct world and relaiez THAT EVERY SINGLE PERSON HAS A PROBLEM WITH SOMETHING, whether its race/politics/government/stupid people something.
WHo cares I mean really, get out of your politically correct world and relaiez THAT EVERY SINGLE PERSON HAS A PROBLEM WITH SOMETHING, whether its race/politics/government/stupid people something.

I rather agree with you. He is a comedian, on stage for godsakes. Even if he wasnt being funny, its a forum to explore the foibles and absurdities of society. And lets face it, racism is a favorite subject of comedians, and something we're all guilty of: black, white, or whatever.
HAha Seraphim, we'll be eating one of those for Thanksgiving... hot little Kurkey... Kramer Turkey.. :)
I hate Seinfeld (the TV show.)
:erk: i disrespect Him Now used to Like Him but Honestly :yuk:

Lame. Like you dont dislike something, you are telling me that when you get angry youve never said anything hurtfull ever?? Or pissed off ever?? You accept everything all the time?? Please, you are either a liar or you live in a box or severly naive.
Yeah great pic Seraph, classic scene.

the man was off the wall to begin with and to me it looks like he just lost his shit - had a bit of a breakdown or something.

Those who said it was a comedy forum and race is often a subject are correct but i think the problem (to those actually offended) was there was no punch line at the end of it.
Anyways, I dont particularly give a shit myself, other than I like the show and was interested in what other fellow bangers where thinking. One of my collegues at work brought it to my attention and I was actually laughing at the fork comment - the man likes his forks!
His apology on Letterman was really strange as well. He used the term "Afro Americans" a couple of times. Who the fuck says that? I'm a huge Seinfeld fan, but I'm not too broken up about this. It's a bit of an adjustment watching Seinfeld now, because whenever I see Kramer come on, I think of this incident. But I think he just made a stupid mistake. God only knows the trouble he's going through trying to get back on television. So here he is in a little comedy club and he's getting heckled by some black guy who's going on about how the only thing Richards had done was "Seinfield." So all that pent up anger just came out. He was so pissed that he just thought of the most hateful, hurtful thing possible that he could say to this person. He was just too stupid to think of the consequences.

And I didn't even know Richards did standup. He's more of a physical comedian than anything. Every comedian gets heckled and they make the most of it by making an ass out of that person. Richards probably just doesn't have the patience/experience to handle heckling.