Erm... my Schecter, and most that I've played, use Grovers. If that's the worst you can say about them, they're doing fucking great. Lots of guitars are cheaper... including more than a few Ibanez guitars.
I prefer Schecters by a long shot, no doubt... but I also own an RG550 that's older than I am. I think literally everything about my Schecter is better. Also, I'd like to know which ones are 'not expensive' and also neck-through.
Finally, ESP=Schecter so you've made a proper fool of yourself there. Set and neck through are a matter of personal taste, but build quality from the same companies and factories... whoops, looks like you don't know a whole hell of a lot about what you're talking about.
I have no idea what I'm talking about?
ok, well...
Schector is NOT an ESP company.
ESP, LTD, Edwards, and Grass Roots are, but Schecter is not
"In 1987, the Texan investors sold the company to Hisatake Shibuya, a Japanese entrepreneur who also owned the Musicians Institute in Hollywood and ESP Guitars (Schecter Guitar Research and ESP Guitars have remained to this day separate entities)." - Guitar World, Issue: September, 2006
and hilariously enough, Schecter states most emphathetically on their website that they are NOT associated with ESP in any way, shape, or form except sharing some distribution facilities in Japan.
Inexpensive neckthrough RG:
a nice mahogany neckthru rg for around $700 negotiable
and on top of your "my schecter owns my ibanez" the Rg550s were relatively inexpensive non-prestige RGs that lacked an AANJ and were the first models of RGs ever produced (1987). I wouldn't say the RG550 represent a modern Ibanez RG
to be honest the c-1 classic is the one i had tuning problems with, and it's a rather expensive, tho not the best schecter around.
and for that matter, Schecter does not make a single guitar over $1000
any schecter you throw at me could not rival an Ibanez J. Custom nor any other non-bullshit guitar company
and now with all of this stated, have anything else to add?