Senior Trip


Feb 5, 2008
Pasadena Maryland USA
I need a bit of advice from those of you fortunate enough to be attending Wacken this year. You see my son graduates from High School next year and I want to take him to next year's show as a graduation gift.

I was hoping that those of you attending (especially those who will be staying at a hotel) could post any tips on the following.

1. Where to buy tickets?
2. When should I start trying to buy tickets for next year's show?
3. Where can I find a decent hotel that won't break me?

As for the last item, I don't need a 4 star but I do prefer something with its own bathroom.

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. My son has had perfect attendance, played football and stayed on the honor roll for most of his school life. I would really like to give him this reward.
If you have the time, start here:

Finding hotels will be very difficult, also you'll spend a lot of time travelling to and from your hotel.
Camping is the real experience of Wacken, for me usually even better than the bands.

When they release tickets you can keep an eye on

Try getting the X-mas release since it's gonna be a bit cheaper and you get some bonus stuff. It sells out very fast though.

Think the entire festival was officially sold out in February this year.
wacken is overrated go to france for hellfest! it's way better! and not over priced

Have you gone to the Hellfest?
Wacken must kick serious ass in comparison, I'd love to go.
For cheap festivals, I'd call the Brutal Assault fest in Czech republic cheap! Its like 45 euros for the 3 days! I wanted to go this year but I'm working during that time :(

As for the Hellfest, the organization used to suck, this year they got it and its fine now (just saying for those who may have been disappointed in previous years).

Anyway, for the guy who started the thread, if you're okay with having your son rock all night long, I'd suggest you don't take a hotel, and stay at the camp site with a tent and shit. That's what festivals are all about! Camping and metal.
You might be able to find something like a family renting out rooms in a town near by or even in Wacken. Not sure if there are any but it's worth looking into.

My friend and I usually camp out at Wacken and it is surprisingly well organized and rather comfortable comparing to some of the other festivals.

We contacted the tourism office when we went to Party San and they set us up with a B&B sort of thing. It was rather nice. We had a sink and fridge in our room and shared the bathroom. There was a family that was also staying at the house. Got breakfast every morning. The bread was warm!!

Another worthwhile festival is Summer Breeze. Wacken is getting a bit crappy but it's definitely worth going at least once.
Thanks for the tip but we really want to go to Wacken. We both speak German. Neither of us speak French. Plus I'm a beer drinker not a wine drinker.

This... post... too stupid... to respond... properly....

have you been to any of the two?

Hellfest has a better lineup than Wacken. Even though I haven't gone to either, I have friends who have been and I was told Hellfest was better of the two. The lineup for Wacken this summer is pretty awful.

As in the festival thread, you seem to care more about the atmosphere/attendance than you do for the actual lineup. Not everyone wants to stand around with 80,000 people when the lineup is mediocre.
Thanks for the tips guys. Camping sounds nice. I'm a bit of a cold body. How hot does it get there? If its 70f(21c) or below at night then Im happy. I just don't want to try and sleep if it is 85f (24c). And I assume you guys can hold your boos and keep some sort of hygenic standard unlike most Americans. At the couple festivals that I have camped in America, I spent most of my time avoiding puke, urine and mud (at least I hope it was mud) puddles.

One more thing. Will it just be a big drug fest at the camp? Don't get me wrong. I don't care what anyone else puts in their body. I believe all drugs should be legal. But I don't want to put my son and I in a place where we are breathing the shotgun of 5k campers.
Thanks for the tips guys. Camping sounds nice. I'm a bit of a cold body. How hot does it get there? If its 70f(21c) or below at night then Im happy. I just don't want to try and sleep if it is 85f (24c). And I assume you guys can hold your boos and keep some sort of hygenic standard unlike most Americans. At the couple festivals that I have camped in America, I spent most of my time avoiding puke, urine and mud (at least I hope it was mud) puddles.

One more thing. Will it just be a big drug fest at the camp? Don't get me wrong. I don't care what anyone else puts in their body. I believe all drugs should be legal. But I don't want to put my son and I in a place where we are breathing the shotgun of 5k campers.

Well, for how cold/hot it is it all depends really... for the Hellfest this summer it was really hot during the day, and actually freezing during the night... but it was a weird climate. Wacken is later on in the summer, and in Germany.. i'd say it should be moderately warm day and night. but it all depends on the year really... never the same.
The sick shit in festivals is the toilets... thousands of people go shit in the same place... each time I went I felt i was gonna puke.. i'd go with my deodorant.

And there are drugs sure, cannabis.. but I think they are easily avoidable.
Thanks for the tips guys. Camping sounds nice. I'm a bit of a cold body. How hot does it get there? If its 70f(21c) or below at night then Im happy. I just don't want to try and sleep if it is 85f (24c). And I assume you guys can hold your boos and keep some sort of hygenic standard unlike most Americans. At the couple festivals that I have camped in America, I spent most of my time avoiding puke, urine and mud (at least I hope it was mud) puddles.

One more thing. Will it just be a big drug fest at the camp? Don't get me wrong. I don't care what anyone else puts in their body. I believe all drugs should be legal. But I don't want to put my son and I in a place where we are breathing the shotgun of 5k campers.

It gets pretty cold at Wacken at night. My friend and I throw on layers of clothes before crawling into our sleeping bags. We usually wear long pants/jeans, a couple shirts and a hoodie at night. Then we wake up to serious heat (30C) around noon.

As for hygenic standards... when you mix large amounts of alcohol with any large masses of people, things tend to get a bit ridiculous. Bring along a pair of boots. By the end of Wacken the toilet areas tend to be flooded towards the last days. Stay away from fences 'cause guys tend to pee by them when they're too lazy to head to the toilets. I've also noticed that one of the guys toilet area by the stage drains just out into the open.

We were watching a band at Party San and this drunk guy just whips out his cock and takes a piss standing beside us.

Boots are also super handy if it rains. I was there one year where it rained for the whole weekend. Ankle deep in mud. FECKIN' hard as hell to get around.

Basically, be prepared for rain and be prepared for sun. You can get a nasty burn from the sun.

Drug wise, you'll be pretty "safe". People smoke weed here and there but it's not like they'll be hot boxing in your tent. Since you're outside, just step aside if dude beside you blazes.
Thanks for the tips guys. Camping sounds nice. I'm a bit of a cold body. How hot does it get there? If its 70f(21c) or below at night then Im happy. I just don't want to try and sleep if it is 85f (24c). And I assume you guys can hold your boos and keep some sort of hygenic standard unlike most Americans. At the couple festivals that I have camped in America, I spent most of my time avoiding puke, urine and mud (at least I hope it was mud) puddles.

One more thing. Will it just be a big drug fest at the camp? Don't get me wrong. I don't care what anyone else puts in their body. I believe all drugs should be legal. But I don't want to put my son and I in a place where we are breathing the shotgun of 5k campers.

nights typically are pretty cold, you're pretty up far north in Wacken

I've been to festivals to europe and america and they are two different things, don't even compare or use american ones as refrence, euro fests seem (to me) more civilized and with far fewer burn outs for sure, don't overthink it, just go there and enjoy it, you have to camp there as well to get the full experience, there are also paid toilets/showers that are clean, so that should not be a deterant

join Wacken forum and you'll find out all you need to know plus will have drinking boddies when you get there

HaloSlayer, please stop posting. Your xenophobia and overall ignorance is making my IQ drop. =/

the guy is asking legit questions having never been to one in europe