Senior Trip

They also only serve Beck's at Wacken, so have fun drinking mediocre beer at a mediocre show broski.


I think it's been Hasseröder every year I've been (though last year was 2006).

Also they have spirits such as Jim Beam and Jack Daniels, as well as mead.

And of course to the camping site you can bring whatever beer you want, or othe beverage.
Your sweeping generalizations in this thread coupled with the idiotic responses to amon666 in the Cultures thread ( I mean really, to actually tell a native Jordanian how his culture works as if you are more educated in the matter than him AND then to call him on grammar mistakes... just wow) are all I need to know that you're full of shit here. Everything I've seen from you up until now has been assumptionist and ignorant.

How does asking for advice from people who have been to the concert (let me remind you that you are not one of them) make me an assumptionist? I did not assume anything. I asked for advice so I could make informed decisions. You truly are (I just don't have another word) a moron. As for the other thread, if you wish to argue my points from it, then do it in the thread.

As someone pointed out, Wacken blows ass now and Hellfest is superior. Why ANYONE would want to go to a festival with a lineup full of bands that regularly tour the world and almost no exclusive performances is beyond me. Hellfest not only has bands that rarely tour like Destroyer 666, Manowar, and Repulsion, but they also have a WAAYY more eclectic lineup than Wacken, which is now pretty much either mainstream metal(core) bands or metal bands that regularly tour the US.

I'm not sure where you live so I won't assume you understand this so I will explain. Yes, some of the bands (Amon Amarth included) do tour the states. But the venues are tiny and sets are short. Where I live in Maryland we can either go to Jaxx which is not terrible but still tiny and very over heated or Sonar which is very very very tiny and so hot you can fry an egg on the stage. My son and I would like to see some of our favorite bands in an open air large venue. That is not to say it is the only way to experience a concert. I like the club experience. You get very close to the band and have more interaction but we have been doing that.

And while you're entitled to make whatever choice you want, deciding not to go to a festival because of the beverage that the country is famous for (I know full well that the Mediterranean is more famous for its wine, however, to assume that they ONLY drink wine, which is basically what you said,

No it isn't. I just said I'm a beer drinker not a wine drinker. You're taking one comment (again not even said to you) and trying to start an argument. Are you someone's ex-wife? It just sounds like an ex-wife thing to do.

as if Hellfest only serves wine on its festival grounds is beyond dumb and ignorant. Not only have I had great French beer, but some of the best beer in the world comes from French-speaking countries like Canada or Belgium)

Can you name any of these or are you just making sweeping assumptions? You're an assumptionist????

or because of the language (despite the fact people from all over the world come out to these... Do you seriously expect Japanese, Croatians, Canadians, Chinese, Brazilians, etc to speak German too?) is just mind-boggling... Why are you judging entire festival experiences based on nonsensical stuff that doesn't matter in the first place?

So given the choice of going to two shows that you have never been to (which again you haven’t), you wouldn’t take into consideration the fact that you speak the language of one country but not the other. Again I really just don't have another word for you but I will take a stab and say idiot.

These are metal shows with metal bands, not some sophisticated exhibition. By the way -- isn't this a gift for your son? Who cares about what YOU like to drink? Your son isn't of legal drinking age and I doubt that this is a factor in what he wants in a fest. When I was 17/18, alcohol was alcohol but the difference between a good show and a bad one was huge.

You still haven’t said what is so bad about Wacken. Oh wait, you can't. You have never been.

And no I haven't been to a Eurofest, but common sense says it would probably be a waste of money to spend hundreds of euros to see bands that tour the US regularly in intimate settings.

I have explained this to you already. Do I need to type slower for you?

I love that after having called you out several times now on dumb posts,

No you haven’t. You just bitch for attention. That's ok. I have given you your daily beat down. Your sadist craving should be satisfied.

you then accuse me of being a "moron"

At first I was accusing but you have given so much proof that I really don't have to accuse anymore.

and claim that my IQ is in negative integers but can't detect simple sarcasm.

I'm not sure how your IQ detects sarcasm but it must make sense in your world.

You're a champ dude!

I won't even bother responding to your beer posts. Looks like everyone else already corrected your assumptions.
When did they start serving Becks? 2 years ago they still had Warsteiner.

We brought our own tent. Tents only areas are closer to the festival area if you show up on Wednesday/early Thursday. If you have a car, then you could end up being quite far away from the festival area.
The closest international airport is Hamburg. You can take the train up to Itzehoe and then bus or cab it to Wacken. If you're gonna rent a camper, etc, you should definitely look into it in advance. Don't expect to just show up and get what you want. Email tourism offices to get more info on stuff like that.

Thank you. I will do that very soon.

Again thanks to everyone who helped me with this. Have fun at this year's show. I hope to see you next year.
Rather than turn this thread into any more of an epic flamewar. Consider yourself PM'd. But what I will say though, that I am correct about Becks being the exclusive beersponsor. This is something recent and nobody "corrected" me. Nice reading there sleuth.
Rather than turn this thread into any more of an epic flamewar. Consider yourself PM'd. But what I will say though, that I am correct about Becks being the exclusive beersponsor. This is something recent and nobody "corrected" me. Nice reading there sleuth.

Come on man. Don't back pedal. You said and I quote "They also only serve Beck's at Wacken, so have fun drinking mediocre beer at a mediocre show broski." You did not come up with the beer sponser response until someone called you on it. So please at least try to stick with one story. Which is it? Is it just a sponsor or is it the only beer you can drink at Wacken?
Either you can't read, or you are purposely ignoring my posts so you can get your last word in and be "right." I said they are the exclusive beersponsor. In other words, they only serve Becks. Here's a review (among many fan reviews, not to mention people I know who have been to Wacken and told me there was only Becks there) where they say that it's the official beer and such.

Wacken has its own beer, AND you might even see other beers at the festival, but 90% of the beer there is Becks as of 2007. That is Wacken's exclusive beer sponsor, so obviously they are not going to be officially selling and distributing Paulaner and Spaten and such.

This will be my last post in this thread so don't bother getting your last word in, HaloSlayer. You got my PM, if you can't see the error of your ways then I dunno. I'd run far away if I was your son.
Either you can't read, or you are purposely ignoring my posts so you can get your last word in and be "right." I said they are the exclusive beersponsor. In other words, they only serve Becks. Here's a review (among many fan reviews, not to mention people I know who have been to Wacken and told me there was only Becks there) where they say that it's the official beer and such.

Wacken has its own beer, AND you might even see other beers at the festival, but 90% of the beer there is Becks as of 2007. That is Wacken's exclusive beer sponsor, so obviously they are not going to be officially selling and distributing Paulaner and Spaten and such.

This will be my last post in this thread so don't bother getting your last word in, HaloSlayer. You got my PM, if you can't see the error of your ways then I dunno. I'd run far away if I was your son.

Then just admit you are wrong. You said it was the only beer. I showed you your post saying that. Now you admit they sell others. You insult my literacy but then go on to prove you can't read your own post. Then you go on to insult my family.

You realize this thread had nothing to do with you, right? It was for people who had gone to the festival. But your sad need to whine has only shown how pathetic you are.

As for your PM, who cares? I was asking advice from people who have been to Wacken. I was not seeking advice from a sad forum troll who needs to be made a fool before he shuts up.
This thread was a fun read :)

Anyway Haloslayer, get your tickets for your son and you, its always nice to go to a foreign festival, especially Wacken which has, more than any other festival, people from all different countries and that must be pretty sweet. I hope you get your tickets before its too late.