Senior Trip

the guy is asking legit questions having never been to one in europe

Sorry, but my brain explodes when someone assumes all they drink in France is wine, that nobody speaks English in Europe, and that everyone at festivals smokes pot.

French beer FTW.
Didn't Negura Bunget split?

also Ulver started playing live after 15 years, so i'm hoping for a north american tour *crosses fingers*

No Negura Bunget is doing shows and stuff.

And since Ulver's first show was in Norway, I assumed it was a one-off. Now that they're doing Brutal Assault, I hope they will at least pull an Emperor/Immortal and play NYC/LA.
That blows big balls. Om is such a great record and I hope to see them live one day.

Anyways the moral of this thread is that the best fests are where the black metal is. :D

It's interesting that this is where your mind went to, even though I never asked about anything like that. Do you have some repressed issues? And you really impressed everyone by typing in caps. Well done.
Sorry, but my brain explodes when someone assumes all they drink in France is wine, that nobody speaks English in Europe, and that everyone at festivals smokes pot.

French beer FTW.

First of all I have been to Europe many times. I know that English is spoken in most of the major cities that looks for tourist money. I also know that people of any country appreciate it when you try to speak their language while visiting their country. That is why I would prefer to go to a festival where I speak that language.

Second of all you are a moron if you think that France is known for its beer. Most of the Mediterranean countries (France, Greece, Spain, and Italy) are known for their wine. That’s not to say that is all they have there. And I also know there is a lot of wine country in Germany. But Germany is still known for beer. I notice you did not actually name a French beer. You can go back and look one up but it’s too late. We all know you didn't really know any.

And finally, just because I choose to live a drug free life, it does not mean I wish to push my lifestyle on anyone. I asked about the drug use at the camps because I would prefer not to be around it. I don't wish to condemn it.

And aren't you the moron who gave an opinion but then admitted to have not even been to the festival? Why are you even posting on this thread?
It gets pretty cold at Wacken at night. My friend and I throw on layers of clothes before crawling into our sleeping bags. We usually wear long pants/jeans, a couple shirts and a hoodie at night. Then we wake up to serious heat (30C) around noon.

As for hygenic standards... when you mix large amounts of alcohol with any large masses of people, things tend to get a bit ridiculous. Bring along a pair of boots. By the end of Wacken the toilet areas tend to be flooded towards the last days. Stay away from fences 'cause guys tend to pee by them when they're too lazy to head to the toilets. I've also noticed that one of the guys toilet area by the stage drains just out into the open.

We were watching a band at Party San and this drunk guy just whips out his cock and takes a piss standing beside us.

Boots are also super handy if it rains. I was there one year where it rained for the whole weekend. Ankle deep in mud. FECKIN' hard as hell to get around.

Basically, be prepared for rain and be prepared for sun. You can get a nasty burn from the sun.

Drug wise, you'll be pretty "safe". People smoke weed here and there but it's not like they'll be hot boxing in your tent. Since you're outside, just step aside if dude beside you blazes.

Thanks man. That helps out a lot. I think we will give it a go at camping then. Is it all tents or do you think I could maybe rent a camper somewhere and bring it? I think the closest international airport is in Hamburg (since I have to fly in from the states). I bet I could rent something there.
nights typically are pretty cold, you're pretty up far north in Wacken

I've been to festivals to europe and america and they are two different things, don't even compare or use american ones as refrence, euro fests seem (to me) more civilized and with far fewer burn outs for sure, don't overthink it, just go there and enjoy it, you have to camp there as well to get the full experience, there are also paid toilets/showers that are clean, so that should not be a deterant

join Wacken forum and you'll find out all you need to know plus will have drinking boddies when you get there

I figured the ones in Europe were better. You have to remember that in America all we get are the festivals that encompass every type of music from rap to pop and if you are lucky they may have one or two metal bands. We do have some mini festivals such as Deathfest and Summer Slam but they are tiny, even minuscule by comparison to European festivals.
Thanks for the tips guys. Camping sounds nice. I'm a bit of a cold body. How hot does it get there? If its 70f(21c) or below at night then Im happy. I just don't want to try and sleep if it is 85f (24c). And I assume you guys can hold your boos and keep some sort of hygenic standard unlike most Americans. At the couple festivals that I have camped in America, I spent most of my time avoiding puke, urine and mud (at least I hope it was mud) puddles.

One more thing. Will it just be a big drug fest at the camp? Don't get me wrong. I don't care what anyone else puts in their body. I believe all drugs should be legal. But I don't want to put my son and I in a place where we are breathing the shotgun of 5k campers.

For the 5 years I've been it's been fairly hot or very rainy during the days, and quite cold during the nights.

Do bring some sort of boots, it tends to be muddy.

Some ppl smoke cannabis, but usually it's th ealcohol that brings most ppl down.

Showers exist of cours, but plan to go during the night, since the queues is fairly long during the day, and also hot water is mainly available during the night of the same reason.

For more Q/A see my earlier post to the Wacken forum, also I'd recommend for Wacken specific Q's to join the Wacken forum and post on the international board, since there you get ppl that are all for Wacken, more than here usually.
Thanks man. That helps out a lot. I think we will give it a go at camping then. Is it all tents or do you think I could maybe rent a camper somewhere and bring it? I think the closest international airport is in Hamburg (since I have to fly in from the states). I bet I could rent something there.

The camp site has two versions, the one just for tents and the one with cars/campers/bikes and tents.

No idea on where to rent campers, but it would probably be better than staying in a tent that I usually do.
Thanks man. That helps out a lot. I think we will give it a go at camping then. Is it all tents or do you think I could maybe rent a camper somewhere and bring it? I think the closest international airport is in Hamburg (since I have to fly in from the states). I bet I could rent something there.

Yes, Hamburg is the nearest major airport, although you'll most likely be initially flying to some other city in europe than Hamburg. I'm sure you could rent a mini-camper such as VW pop-top or such, it'll cost you a pretty penny though. It would deffinitelly be better if you don't like tents. Problem with the tents is that when you are trying to fall asleep and all of a sudden hear somebody drunk approaching at that moment you start hoping that they won't trip and fall onto you ;). good times. Of the few times I've been to fests in europe I've seen maybe 5-6 bands max each time as it's quite exhausting to be standing in the sun all day and then night for 3 days straight. Yes, Wacken's line-up has not been very impressive in the last few years and there are other fests with better combination/range of bands. I was very impressed with Grasspop in Belgium.
First of all I have been to Europe many times. I know that English is spoken in most of the major cities that looks for tourist money. I also know that people of any country appreciate it when you try to speak their language while visiting their country. That is why I would prefer to go to a festival where I speak that language.

Second of all you are a moron if you think that France is known for its beer. Most of the Mediterranean countries (France, Greece, Spain, and Italy) are known for their wine. That’s not to say that is all they have there. And I also know there is a lot of wine country in Germany. But Germany is still known for beer. I notice you did not actually name a French beer. You can go back and look one up but it’s too late. We all know you didn't really know any.

And finally, just because I choose to live a drug free life, it does not mean I wish to push my lifestyle on anyone. I asked about the drug use at the camps because I would prefer not to be around it. I don't wish to condemn it.

And aren't you the moron who gave an opinion but then admitted to have not even been to the festival? Why are you even posting on this thread?

Your sweeping generalizations in this thread coupled with the idiotic responses to amon666 in the Cultures thread ( I mean really, to actually tell a native Jordanian how his culture works as if you are more educated in the matter than him AND then to call him on grammar mistakes... just wow) are all I need to know that you're full of shit here. Everything I've seen from you up until now has been assumptionist and ignorant.

As someone pointed out, Wacken blows ass now and Hellfest is superior. Why ANYONE would want to go to a festival with a lineup full of bands that regularly tour the world and almost no exclusive performances is beyond me. Hellfest not only has bands that rarely tour like Destroyer 666, Manowar, and Repulsion, but they also have a WAAYY more eclectic lineup than Wacken, which is now pretty much either mainstream metal(core) bands or metal bands that regularly tour the US.

And while you're entitled to make whatever choice you want, deciding not to go to a festival because of the beverage that the country is famous for (I know full well that the Mediterranean is more famous for its wine, however, to assume that they ONLY drink wine, which is basically what you said, as if Hellfest only serves wine on its festival grounds is beyond dumb and ignorant. Not only have I had great French beer, but some of the best beer in the world comes from French-speaking countries like Canada or Belgium) or because of the language (despite the fact people from all over the world come out to these... Do you seriously expect Japanese, Croatians, Canadians, Chinese, Brazilians, etc to speak German too?) is just mind-boggling... Why are you judging entire festival experiences based on nonsensical stuff that doesn't matter in the first place? These are metal shows with metal bands, not some sophisticated exhibition. By the way -- isn't this a gift for your son? Who cares about what YOU like to drink? Your son isn't of legal drinking age and I doubt that this is a factor in what he wants in a fest. When I was 17/18, alcohol was alcohol but the difference between a good show and a bad one was huge.

And no I haven't been to a Eurofest, but common sense says it would probably be a waste of money to spend hundreds of euros to see bands that tour the US regularly in intimate settings.

It's interesting that this is where your mind went to, even though I never asked about anything like that. Do you have some repressed issues? And you really impressed everyone by typing in caps. Well done.

I love that after having called you out several times now on dumb posts, you then accuse me of being a "moron" and claim that my IQ is in negative integers but can't detect simple sarcasm. You're a champ dude!
FYI, two of Hellfest's sponsors are Jagermeister and Jack Daniels. Wine companies right?

They also only serve Beck's at Wacken, so have fun drinking mediocre beer at a mediocre show broski.
They also only serve Beck's at Wacken, so have fun drinking mediocre beer at a mediocre show broski.

When did they start serving Becks? 2 years ago they still had Warsteiner.

Is it all tents or do you think I could maybe rent a camper somewhere and bring it? I think the closest international airport is in Hamburg (since I have to fly in from the states). I bet I could rent something there.

We brought our own tent. Tents only areas are closer to the festival area if you show up on Wednesday/early Thursday. If you have a car, then you could end up being quite far away from the festival area.
The closest international airport is Hamburg. You can take the train up to Itzehoe and then bus or cab it to Wacken. If you're gonna rent a camper, etc, you should definitely look into it in advance. Don't expect to just show up and get what you want. Email tourism offices to get more info on stuff like that.