SEX questions thread...

1. How many sexual partners have you had?
2. How old were you were you lost you virginity?
3. Have you ever paid for sex?
you take a credit card?
4. Would you ever pay for sex?
refer to above
5. What’s the biggest age difference between yourself and a sexual partner(older and younger)?
maybe 15
6. Do you watch pornography?
against my religion
7. Have you ever had sex with more than 1 person at a time?
I was once in group orgy of five hundred, after we all had some bad Kool Aid
8. Favourite position?
9. Strangest place you’ve had sex?
mattress store
10. Ever been caught having sex?
11. Person you’d most like to have sex with?
12. Person you’d least like to have sex with?
13. Turn ons?
a few
14. Turn offs?
15. Do you masturbate?
no need