Sex Tranquillity


Little Grasshopper
Nov 16, 2001
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Attending the public requests, and Rahvin's hidden wishes, here I go with the sex thread. Isn't so advisable to let me start all this, neither me knows what can I post here, but anyway, the damage has done. (DT quote)

What can we talk about? I'm only a student in your hands. We can argue about our fantasies, about Niklas intimacy, sex legends, and so on. There are several subjects to talk about, but I hope we can talk seriously about interesting ones. So, try to restrict these childish wishes of post here nasty words. :D

I'm only the starter of the thread so, one more time, make this thread yours and roll the dices.

|ngenius ( :cool: )
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For a look into the sex-life of Stanne on the road, read the lastest issue of Slavestage magazine, Sweden.
I didn't expect sth such that. Obviously, I said that about Niklas intimacy just kidding. Don't take it seriously, I don't wanna annoy anybody with this thread. Thank you.

In the spirit of ruining |ngenius' original intention:

I didn't picture DT as a groupies kind of band, but if the number of replies to the "Cutest member of DT" thread is any indication I'm probably in the minority here.
Originally posted by phyre
Indeed, I have that issue of Slavestate. It says he has sex with groupies without using protection.


Did he specify their (= the groupies') sex?

I just want to know, if I need to have some protection with me at Uppsala...

-Villain (scared)
Well, first off I maintain this thread could be called "Dark Sex" instead of "Sex Tranquillity": it would have attracted every kind of weird individual from the Bhubhubhubhu board or similar places devoted to satanic bands.

Aside from this, I think there is a point in everyone's life when you just have to face it: people in bands _do_ screw groupies. The protection issue is not relevant, especially for bearded dwarves who are tough enough to send running like mad any bacteria or virii trying to infect them (remember, nobody tosses a dwarf, whatever you mean by "toss").

Me, I was kind of shellshocked when I learnt that my favorite band Bad Religion, NOT an obscure-powers act the name notwithstanding, but a socially conscious punk rock group, used to hire local prostitutes during their South American tours - it sounded so much against their anti-exploitation stands. Then I thought "Just let it go, it may sound evil but this is a matter of their personal conscience, not their lyrics". I was less impressed by learning that Andrew J. Cairns, singer for Therapy?, has sex with underage groupies and declares during interviews that of course girls who offer themselves to their musical idol are not dreaming about eternal love, they know what the score is and so on. In this peculiar situation, the problem is not the sex, but the lie: of course nobody can believe such a statement, so I find it a bit annoying that he should declare something so blatantly silly and think he's being believed. There's nothing wrong in wanting to crush someone's illusions to boost your ego, just admit it. Or at least give them the benefit of the doubt - you cannot be sure 100% that a teen girl sleeping with a rock star is _not_ having at least dreams of fame and fortune, if not some twisted form of understanding.

Personally, I was in a band that didn't have the time to get popular, so I never enjoyed having groupies: still, rahvin did some growling every once in a while :tickled:

hyena (this is the bu america)
I have read no backstage groupie stories from bands I like. I only have been surprised by how some bands and singers act as opposed to how I thought they'd act (such as David Gray...).

This thread kind of reminds me of the other board where I posted, but isn't as bad. The Dave Matthews Band board members would regularly talk about their sexual conquests/fantasies/habits... in graphic detail. Some people even admitted to meeting other board members for the sole purpose of having sex with them. Most of them believed in sleeping with friends (or even casual people they just knew) for fun with no emotional attachment being involved. Well, I did contribute to a few of the threads (the ones about sexual habits)... but did not (and don't want to) have the experiences to qualify for others.

Just please don't go there and look up my threads. :lol:
i don't care that much about bandmembers' sexual habits. i'd frown upon paying for sex in general, no matter who pays and who gets paid (or laid, even), but there's no difference to me between what a friend does and what the member of a band i like does. of course if i get the chance to talk to either i'd try to tell 'em i think paying for sex is not good, but that's another kettle of fish entirely, and i would not suffer extreme shellshock because i do not idolize any bandmember's social behaviour in the first place. however, i might want to consider a dumbass or a hypocrite someone who preaches only-eternal-love relationships in his songs but then indulges in paying for sex and such.
as far as i'm concerned, group sex per se or other less-known variations are just to each participant's tastes and nothing i should worry about unless someone wants me to get involved, which is very unlikely at best.
speaking of myself, i always enjoyed the joys of sex with one partner at a time, and frankly i don't think i'd want to engage in group sex ever, not even with all partners matching my personal tastes (i.e., good-looking girls ;) ). i tend to associate sex with intimacy, which i would find kinda spoiled by large groups of ppl being in the same room.
i don't really believe sex and love have to go together, but i wouldn't want to have sex without feelings of some kind being involved.

Well, I'm not so interested on Niklas/Stanne/Michael Jackson/El Fary or even Monica Lewinsky sexual customs, to be honest. Nothing more to say about.

The fact is that Mousewings said sth interesting: these wonderful (pretended) sex-appeal exhibitions, mainly by the male side. The conquests, the habits, collecting pieces like hunters. There are several people who live for their basic instincts, ppl that if they would fall in a desert island, the first thing that they would do is a hole in the ground (guess the purpose). The reason why to that kind of behavior is pretty clear: it works.

About me... I can be confused with one of them. I use to appear as, in Rahvin's words, an over-obssessed robot. I guess the little dwarf and all those who know me better can see through the first impressions and cross my first layer. It's obvious I'm usually in a good mood to make jokes. Moreover, you knew my romantic personality and my wishes in the dreams thread, I think it's so clear what kind of robot I am. And this often is a weight to my unavoidable basic instincts. I try to satisfy myself in a high level and I can't have sex without feelings involved, I don't mean necessarily love, it could exist passion, attraction without love strictly. This is the hard way, especially when you don't find easily your preferences and ppl around you is doing its best to make holes in the ground. :D No, my advice is not to wait till find your soulmate, I enjoy with sex, but try I to surround a physical act with intellectual senses.

You can classify these "hole makers" in many groups, but I find one of them particularly interesting: the gothic ppl. To be classified as "gothic" you should get dressed in a strange way, like a monster, and show a clear promiscuity, don't care if males or females. It's a show to join into a gothic party. :devil:

Originally posted by |ngenius
the first thing that they would do is a hole in the ground (guess the purpose)

obviously in order to find some water not from the sea so that they can satisfy their thirst and survive. :rolleyes:

the gothic kind is so funny! :tickled: they tend to enshroud every basic feeling (i.e., wanting to score) with the deepest aura of mistery and troubled souls. it's not passionate enough to just say,"hey, i happen to like you a f***ing f**k of a f***ing lot, why don't we go to bed?", no, a tr00 gothic has to at least mention the hand of fate, star-crossed loving, a desperate situation, being rescued from certain death, being condemned to certain death, candles dripping their wax somewhere, vampiric bites and pitch black to feel at ease.

SEX IS GREAT!!!!! As long as you dont abuse it, and by abuse I mean becoming a whore/man-whore, the last person I had sex with was a friend, and it just happened. I dont plan on having sex outside of a relationship where im in love for awhile.

Now I am a young young man, and Im basically at the peak of my sexual prowess, but does this mean I should go out and fuck everything I see? No, I choose to show control. So Im for sex, but as |ngenius pointed out be intelligent.

Nick(SEX, woo hoo)
Originally posted by rahvin
obviously in order to find some water not from the sea so that they can satisfy their thirst and survive. :rolleyes:

Just what I meant. :D

Originally posted by rahvin
with the deepest aura of mistery and troubled souls

Where's the aura in an elephant dressed in black, painted as a clown but in black-grey tones, and surrounded by almost two or three ¿persons? of the same specie trying to satisfy their thirst and survive?!?!?!??!

|ngenius ( :lol: )
i think i would do so if only i was a guy. aside from this, gothic people are just ridiculous - i remember one particular night at the full tilt, a special friday set of the electric ballroom in london, that opened my eyes on the goth perception of sex.

this friday nights are meant for goths mainly (i happened to be there with some friends and almost all of them wore funny plastic pants, tons of black makeup and toon shirts) and the girls are extremely interesting since they think that showing off their fattest part is going to do them good. i marveled at those legions of overweight females with *fishnet stockings* of all things, clearly unveiling all the excess junk food and beer... i don't know how come this is found sexy by goth men, but obviously it is otherwise the girls would just stop reproducing the scheme. there they all were with ultratight ultrashort black leather skirts, combat boots or black heels, and fishnet t-shirts as well, hair painted in blue, violet, pitch black or similar, long nails painted in dark shades, and every possible kind of jewelry around their fat biceps, their fat ankles, even their fat ears :) the general idea was terrible but it seemed to be the last big thing in fashion... and of course they scored, possibly in a coffin or on the dance floor while some weird, incomprehensible music was playing. oh well, i'll never quite make sense of this :lol:

The DMB forum people who were talking about their sexual exploits were both male and female. A few of the females did quite a bit of the boasting too. They all talked of going to sex clubs or engaging in group sex.

I believe they should be allowed to do whatever they wish... as long as they don't pressure others to... um, join them. Surprisingly, they have never slagged me for my choice of leaving myself until marriage. The only semi-disapproving comment I got was of my choice being irrational since I would not know if I was sexually compatible with my partner.

Hehe, I don't think being overweight and wearing fishnets and the other stuff is very appealing.

On the subject of goths, for some reason, a lot of people on boards seem to think I am a goth (or a rabid black metaller) until they see my pictures. I *do* wear black makeup and fishnets a bit. I also wear a lot of black clothes, but do wear other trippy stuff (halter tops, capris) too. I also mentioned my musical tastes. The are not menacing at all. ;)
@hyena: There are actually some goths that look sexy, though they are rarely seen, if you complain about plump goths showing off their fat you should come here and see the same fat goths, only some of them are dark skinned and use a lot of white makeup to look pale, you'll have a good laugh I tell you.

I wonder if Christina Scabbia screws her grupies :confused:

Thanatos (Lacuna Coil fan)