Shameless questions for Xena

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
I just downloaded half of the first album "Backstreet Anthems" and its pretty cool... some of the songs (Backseat Action, Just 1 Nite, etc) are awesome. A couple are pretty average though. I didn't realise Steve Sex Summers from Pretty Boy Floyd was the singer either.

Xena, can you tell me what their best album is?? Apparently Backstreet Anthems is their weakest and the next 2 get alot better, is that right?

And does Steve Summers do all the lead vocals on Queen 4 A Day and Splashed? I know Stevie Rachelle is also on both records, and also the guy from Alleycat Scratch. I thought Steve's voice was a pretty good match for Pretty Boy Floyd but it can get a little annoying on the Shameless songs I've heard. I'd much rather hear Stevie Rachelle doing the lead vocals... does he do lead vocals or just backing vocals?

I'm goin to Radical Records this week coz I gotta pick up the Talon and Robert Fleischman albums I ordered, so I'll see if there's some Shameless there (and order some if not) while I'm there. Gotta know which one I should get :)

Anyhow, I reckon Alexx Michael deserves a medal just for releasing 3 flat out glam albums from 1999 onwards, especially with such a huge lineup of glam rock superstars!