Sharing some nice acoustic guitar&voice tracks for mixing practice


Nov 19, 2005
I've been recording some of Jamie Mc Donald's unreleased tracks so he can decide which to include in his next album. They turned out pretty nice so I thought I'd share some of the tracks for you guys. It's a nice change from the usual metal gigs - more groove and soul, less clinic, sterile sounds. No click and vocal tuning - just awesome music.

Here are the raw tracks: Mc Donald - Crazy (Raw Tracks) 090812.rar

And processed stems for reference: Mc Donald - Crazy (Processed Stems) 090812.rar

Hope you'll have use for these and enjoy them. If you do, please consider sharing/liking the YT video as well as Jamie's facebook page:
He's one of the nicest and most talented people I've had the pleasure to record and he never cares about promotion too much but I think his music should be heard by more people.

Here's an older recording we've done as well:
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You're welcome! :)

Feel free to post a remix if you feel like it and if anyone wants I can share some info about the recording.
@Deathmetal616 -
Guitar is a Martin DCXE which is not a high-end Martin by any means and it has a "high-pressure laminate (HPL) back, sides and top" which is more geared towards performing than recording but it still sounds sweat nonetheless. Vocal mic was an Audio Technica AT3525, bottom guitar mic was a Studioprojects B1 and top was an AKG C518. The direct signal is from the onboard electronics straight into my E-mu1616m and the rest is plugged into a Focusrite Octopre LE.

which reverb/delay did you use?
A combination of stock Cubase 6 plugins.

@Nikolas I like the clarity of the vocals in your version but I'm guessing it's down to using mainly the direct track, correct? Never been a great fan of "direct acoustic" guitars, seems like an oxymoron. The mix sounds very nice, but perhaps it has a bit too much modulation (chorus?).

Thanks for the participation guys. We've recorded a bunch more awesome songs with Jamie, we might share more of them in the future. If you like his songs you can like his page and keep in touch, he's a very down to earth guy
Thank you for taking a look at my mix. :)
I'm agree that there's too much chorus on guitar tracks, but there's not only DI track in it. The balance between mics & DI is somewhere about 50/50. So may be I just can not hear that unnatural DI sounding that you mentioned.

Nice tune man. This is my quick mix.
I should have a little bit more low end there.
What microphones and guitar you used?
I think it resonates a little bit badly and creates an annoying midrange.