
Celtik Militia said:
well it is true that judeo christianity invaded our homelands and destroyed our beautiful pagan culture... they are the enemy! :tickled:
but we shall rise again out of our desolate raped lands and set fire to the world forever more!!! :hotjump:
thats beautiful pagan prose, gimme a sec i have to translate fer my townsfolk:
Celtik Militia said:
well it is true that judeo christianity invaded our homelands and destroyed our beautiful pagan culture... they are the enemy! :tickled:
but we shall rise again out of our desolate raped lands and set fire to the world forever more!!! :hotjump:
I'd say blame the romans. Hadn't Jesus been crusified (and don't deny it, he was a jew like everybody else), history could've turned differently...
And this goes for pagan history as well. Although romans obviously were pagans.... up to a certain point when some caesar (dont remember who) in the mid 5th century turned to christianity....
Go figure
Corporal McDick said:
I'd say blame the romans. Hadn't Jesus been crusified (and don't deny it, he was a jew like everybody else), history could've turned differently...
And this goes for pagan history as well. Although romans obviously were pagans.... up to a certain point when some caesar (dont remember who) in the mid 5th century turned to christianity....
Go figure
I don't think there is such thing as pagan history, every culture had gods regardless of how you look at it. Christianity had the chance to be one of those religion that got a boost and profited from the huge empire Rome had at the time. Also, I suggest you read some history books on the roman matters. Introductions of christianity is something that took a long time and ealry christians were also regarded as pagans by the romans. The first installation of an arena in Jerusalem really did not please a small faction of law doctors of the Judeo "belief". Later Saint Ambroise wrote the treaty of Milan called De Mysterii (same as Mayhem album) and later on was approved in 310 something by Constantin known as the Milan treaty. In this treaty it was stating that the emperor was the living symbol of eteneral life and could not lead his people on the path to perdition. Saint Ambroise persudaded the Valentian dynasty not to support pagan arena games. With the downfall of gladiator games and arena as well as old plays,... and the fall of what were not called "false idols" came the new religion that was later adopted all over the empire.

I could have been more accurate but well i don't feel like writing a book ;) but I hope tis helped clear up some things about the roman view on christianity.
Belgar said:
ahahah, good one man, I need to upgrade the profile. I got laid off from that place at the end of June 04. But yeah give me a job at History channel ... nothing wrong with loving history. :cool:
Hey, history is fun... So is history channel... (And we DO have it in Israel) as long as there aren't bum-ass series about some pioneers of the tobacco/rubber/and similar industry... this is just boring

Ah.. good ol' Falkenbach :)
Wow, I'm so cool, I made this thread into something completely more intresting that Football.

I bet you all love me
Johan's online soccer league to Troll-bashing to racist jokes to a discussion on the introduction of Christianity in the Roman Empire (did I leave anything out?) all in two pages, this board is classic.
And further off-topic...check this article out if you're a Jack Daniels fan, this is fucked up, seriously, where are these "friends" and fans that wanted this? If it's the country's top-seller and closing in the world's number one seller, why the fuck would you change the recipe? Oh well, I guess it'll still get you drunk, which is the most important thing.,1413,234%7E26641%7E2436662,00.html
i saw on TV once this thing about an english dude who invented a machine where you "breath" alcohol or some shit like that out of a tube :yuk: , and u actually get drunk!!! :tickled: the advantage is that u dont get fat or anything.. the disadvantage is that u feel u can breath a lot of it, so thats what u'd do until u realise u had too much and ur totally fucking made! :puke: cause it doesnt fill ur stomach u can really last a while, anyway its pretty strong stuff!
but that shit destroys all the beauty of drinking simply cause its more "civilised :p! what a shame!
:kickass: HAIL!
Yeah, but Corpral McD, sir, if Jesus hadn't been cruicified, but rather, hanged, would all Christians walk around with a noose around their necks rather than a crucifix?
Tyra said:
Yeah, but Corpral McD, sir, if Jesus hadn't been cruicified, but rather, hanged, would all Christians walk around with a noose around their necks rather than a crucifix?
Maybe... I don't know. Whatever would keep them happy and believing, if you ask me. :) I'm not an execution expert...
Tyra said:
Yeah, but Corpral McD, sir, if Jesus hadn't been cruicified, but rather, hanged, would all Christians walk around with a noose around their necks rather than a crucifix?
christians wearing that such a bad thing, really?