Shoot out: m-audio profire vs. the trusty firepod

"A" sounds like it's doing something hi-fi to the guitar DI that wasn't there in the first place.

"B" is a little darker, but is revealing something more about the tone than "A." (Note definition seems better).

I'm gonna go with B.
My lord, the difference is so audible. 'A' completely dominates 'B', so much so that it isn't funny.

I'm gonna tell the local bands to screw off their Firepods and stop sending me crap recorded with them (unless B is the Profire)...
Eh, warmer usually equals colored, and I do NOT want to be stuck with the variety of coloration the Firepod offers! Agreed with preference for A's clarity
Wav files would be nice
"A" I guess I prefer, "B" has some additional noise or fuzz
truthfully both sound terrible and not just because of lossy compression

I have a Profire, it has some quirks but the sound and functionality are great.
I'm interested to hear this.

I did a shootout as well, but the source was a single digital piano and a dude singing southern gospel.

To my ears everything about the Profire sounded better.

My only current worry about the Profire is that it can't handle nearly as many plugins as my Firepod did without the CPU usage creeping up. And this is even after disabling damn near everything in my laptop. Tracking with it REALLY brings this out.

With my Firepod, I didn't have to do a thing to my laptop and the CPU usage stayed low, both during tracking and during mixing.
I like A better. B sounds "warmer", but I think it's because it sounds darker overall.

I'm hesitant to say which is which, but I prefer the A mix.

So, the drums on both clips are through the FP?

Hmmm, now it's even harder to say, as I think the drums sound a bit darker on B as well...Converters?

I'd would have loved to hear the drums through the Profire, if somehow that would have been possible.

I just tracked drums for my band this past weekend, and I couldn't be happier...3 songs in 4 hours with our new drummer (first takes dead to a click), and everything is sounding nice.
My only current worry about the Profire is that it can't handle nearly as many plugins as my Firepod did without the CPU usage creeping up. And this is even after disabling damn near everything in my laptop. Tracking with it REALLY brings this out.

With my Firepod, I didn't have to do a thing to my laptop and the CPU usage stayed low, both during tracking and during mixing.
It's 26 I/O vs 10 I/O.
disable the unused inputs and software returns in the Router tab of the control panel.
It's 26 I/O vs 10 I/O.
disable the unused inputs and software returns in the Router tab of the control panel.

Already have...still the same deal. Although my line of thinking is like yours, more I/O means more usage.

When I track the only things that are active are the analog ins and the first 8 software returns (as at least 1 set has to be active). Everything else is turned off. I keep working on it and it's getting better. Even with everything unused turned off, I still attribute it to the Profire just being a little more robust. The Firepod seems archaic in comparison it seems sometimes. I liked it's simplicity, though, but the routing options on the DSP mixer open up a lot of stuff that the Firepod couldn't do (or couldn't do easily). Pros/cons to both, but the difference in tonal quality to me is apparent on the systems I have.

The nice thing is that I can set the buffer size to it's highest setting and it still doesn't give me problems overdubbing since I use the DSP mixer.

Love the sounds coming out of it, though.
the more I listen, since it's guitars only that different, I hear aspects of each I like.

Which is Which!?!?!?!

im not telling yet :heh:
i also have thought that each pre may be suitable for different applications. I was under the impression that cheap pres didnt really come in different "flavors", and that it wasn`t worthwhile to use different pres for different applications, but it seems as though it is! Im still not sure though, if a cheap pre is giving color, I dont think i want to use it...

maybe using the same di box to capture di`s would be a better comparison?

when I get the breakout cable for midi, I will record some drum tracks with each interface.

I`m also going to include the mbox2 pro, and my samson c valve spdif pre, in the next one!

audio geekzine: what sounds terrible? Its not supposed to sound polished, its supposed to sound raw, to represent the qualities of each interface!.
where could i upload wav`s? Im a n00b at doing shootouts lol
I think I posted my thoughts on the pre's on another thread (it was alluded to earlier in this one).

In doing the vocals we did for out "shootout", The biggest thing I could hear between the 2 was the Presonus had boxy mids and the high end was a little harsher/present without sounding open, almost like it was harsh high mids and then a roll off of everything past that, hard to describe. The Profire seemed to be better defined, no harshness, but the high end seemed to be more open and extended. Also, it seemed as though the preamps were a little more dynamic, picking up subtle shift from loud to soft, that the Presonus didn't. While I wouldn't call the Presonus compressed, the pres on it did seem a little more dead or dull without the nice open expanse between quiet and loud. Granted, our shootout was purely vocal (1 take on each interface) with an AT3035.