Short People Ruin Everything

My cousin's best friend Andy is 7'2". It's impossible for that guy to get into anything. He's had to duck through doorways since he was a Sophmore in high school.
i actually was just proven to be 6'3 and not 6'4 as originally thought. but ifind it pretty easy to most anything except getting into toby's car and the airplane/bus thing that azal mentioined. but otherwise my height isn't that bad.
I don't mind airplanes all that much, except for the fact that they are airplanes and slightly creepy. On the way to Spain 14 1/2 hour flight, I was pretty comfortable because I was able to completely curl up in the seat. But my friend who is about 6' was less than comfortable with his legs pushed up against the seat in front of him.

That and I am easy to hide, lift, throw around, pin down, and otherwise torture. Grrrrrr.
Mr. Rodriguez who are charged of stealing hubcaps and selling oranges in sections of the highway that do not permit the sale of fruit products, who do you plead?

Thanks. 2nd dose of Tylenol Cold is making me a laughy funny mess. I am allergic to something in all cold medication, but it clears my nose so I take it anyway. It just makes me really high when I do.