Should I?


Feb 4, 2002
Ok, i quit my job about a month ago or 6 weeks i cant really remember. Now im quickly running out of money. Should i

A] Get a job, everyone else has a job why dont you?!
B] Fuck it, i can live without money
C] break into some businesses and steal money
D] mooch of other people the rest of your life


Do the following:

* Write down a list of every job you've ever wanted.
* Find out what you have to do to get the jobs.
* Cry when you realise you'll never be qualified for any of them.

Been there, done that. :)

Whatever you do, DON'T GO BACK TO YOUR OLD JOB. It's for the weak. You'll be admitting that your quest for a career change was a failure. Go back to work, but at a different place, even if it's doing the same thing. If they ask why you left your old job, say that you decided to travel overseas or something (don't say you left cos you hated it, apparently it doesn't sit well with prospective employees).

Yeah, so if necessary go back to your old career. Maybe you will get a better bunch of co-workers, and maybe you can suck up to the boss by saying how the other company did things and that *this* is the way to improve stuff.
Oh, and Dreamy, if you read this please note that you're the exception to the rule, re: going back to old jobs :) Honest!!

HONEST, I SAID!!! :mad: