Should Opeth make another album like...

Should Opeth make an album similar to Damnation??

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Mirrored Ghost

midst a dreaming affinity
Aug 7, 2004

This is a two part thread. First, vote yes or no and then explain why. Just to make it clear, I'm talking about some time in the future, not now. Also keep in mind that if they did it, that it wouldn't change anything about their death metal music. In other words, they would remain as heavy as always but it would just be another type of side project.


Do you think Mikael stated in the DVD that they will not be making an album similar to this because of what the fans might think or is it possible that they just flat out don't want to do it at all??

The reason I ask is because if you remember in the DVD, Lopez stated (I'm not quoting him but he said something along these lines) that at times he gets tired of playing the heavy stuff all the way through and that he wished that he can play mellow throughout the whole song more often... less mechanical. Mikael said himself that sometimes he gets sick of hearing some parts of the music. In the Biography of this site, Peter lists Damnation as one of his fave albums, Mikael lists Hope Leaves as one of his fave tracks, and Lopez lists Windowpane as one of his as well. Now they could have picked any track or album but this is what they chose amongst their other few choices.

So, it seems to me that they really enjoyed making this album but there is a possibility that they won't make another because they are afraid of letting the fans down. Now I know Mikael stated (when talking about not making another Damnation) that a death metal band is what they are, but I think that a band can be death metal through and through and once in a blue moon release something totally different.

What do you think??
No, they should not. They should keep to the "two mellow songs per album" formula we all know and love. Besides, I don't think the chances of this happening is rather large anyways.
Crimson Velvet said:
No, they should not. They should keep to the "two mellow songs per album" formula we all know and love. Besides, I don't think the chances of this happening is rather large anyways.

Right, I know that. Therefore, my second question.... ^^^
I don't think Mikael is to concerned about what the fans think or don't think, so i don't think that's the reason he won't release a second Damnation. And if he were, he could always just release a Damnation-like album under a different name. A side project, so to speak. I know I would buy it! ;)
Crimson Velvet said:
I don't think Mikael is to concerned about what the fans think or don't think, so i don't think that's the reason he won't release a second Damnation.

See, I'm not sure about that. I have read many times (around here) that it seems that Mikael practically apologizes (in a certain way) to his fans for making the album. This is why I ask.

And if he were, he could always just release a Damnation-like album under a different name. A side project, so to speak. I know I would buy it! ;)

What is the difference if he did it under the Opeth name or not??
I can't even begin to compare Damnation with the other albums simply because it's a totally different style of music, to say the least. If I was to list my fave Opeth albums, I would have to leave Damnation out because of that fact.
i really doubt opeth would do anything similar to before, mikael made a statment on that on the lamentations dvd, and he was also saying about making the next album being very close to black metal with an occult feel to it, personally im very excited if the next album is going to be like that :kickass:
Mirrored Ghost said:
See, I'm not sure about that. I have read many times (around here) that it seems that Mikael practically apologizes (in a certain way) to his fans for making the album. This is why I ask.

Well, that's just silly. The apologizing that is. I've read that Mikael have claimed that they have never done anything to please anyone, ever, except themselves.

Mirrored Ghost said:
What is the difference if he did it under the Opeth name or not??

Because, then it wouldn't be Opeth, and, therefore, all those whiny Opeth fans wouldn't whine quite as much. I'm not exactly sure why, but I'm fairly certain that it would make a world of difference.
Crimson Velvet said:
Well, that's just silly. The apologizing that is. I've read that Mikael have claimed that they have never done anything to please anyone, ever, except themselves.

I agree that the idea is silly. I'm not saying he did this, I'm going by what other members have said here in past posts.

hmmmm, so far I'm the only vote for yes. This will be interesting. :D
I think they could...but hopefully not just like Damnation...but maybe the next step in that spectrum. Maybe more psychadelic or experimental elements...with more instrumentation, maybe some moog or rhodes piano, more e-bow action, and perhaps a longg semi-improvised song or something. Rather than a clump of similar length songs.
Excellent thought LordHypnos.

I just wanted to elaborate on what I meant by letting fans down. Of course I do believe that Opeth does what pleases them and nobody else. That to me is what makes an artist an artist.... not doing what anyone expects and just writing from one's heart and soul and that is what I hear from them. I personally won't listen to anything short of this.

What I mean by letting down is the sudden (temporary) switch of genre. They've had a certain sound for so long and then bamn!! Damnation. Going on to write a black metal album is not as much as a transition as what they did with Damnation. This is what I'm talking about. The possibility that the fans will not take to another album like that.

Musicians can write what they want but that does not necessarily mean that they won't take into account on how the fans will react to such an extreme change, even if it was to be a few albums.

It was a one-time experiment to lessen the load of otherwise-useless ideas for mellow songs that were in Mikael's head. And I believe they are going for borderline blackmetal next in order to show people who don't follow them closely that Damnation is not what they will continue to sound like. Sort of... sweet music to (in the eyes of many) a repulsive cacaphony of sounds.
NO! Damnation is one of my least fav. albums of Opeth, it gets boring after 10 listens or so. :erk:

Hmm. I'm not even sure if the next album is going to be black-metal, regardless of what Mikael said. After all, didn't somebody say "When you think he's going this way, Mikael's going that way." (or at least something similar)? :oops:
I really do happen to particularly enjoy the fact that Mikael has decided to keep the ''Damnation'' album exclusive. I also happen to personally believe that if Mikael was to write another Opeth album that was in the same vein as the ''Damnation'' album, Then it would completely destroy the entire purpose of the uniqueness that the ''Damnation'' album holds within Opeth's current discography.
Thanks for the reply guys :). Although, I wish that there were some replies from the other people who voted yes.

Anyways, I'm looking foward to the new black metal album as well. It's gonna kick ass :kickass: .
I'd like to see a new mellow album, but not like Damnation.

Now an album consisting of parts like the folkier acoustic parts of their older stuff...

3:30-5:00 and 6:30-8:00 in The Night And The Silent Water.

The whole mellow part in the middle of Black Rose Immortal.

Still Day Beneath The Sun.

That kinda stuff. Damnation is great every so often...but it can get old.
i like damnation a lot, but i agree with jaykeegan in saying it would take away from damnation if another strictly mellow album was created. of course, it would be different and probably progress from damnation, but...i just say leave it to a one of. i also think that they will infact leave that album exclusive.
Agreed with Elek, a folkier, most accoustic based album, may get some interest, whereas a followup to Damnation would put me to sleep in more ways than I thought possible.
Mike's tired of the folksy style. His current interests/influences are in prog rock. This was pretty evident in Damnation. I would prefer to see a side project maybe in the future, perhaps with Steven Wilson in full time. I'd like to see songs similar to Patterns in the Ivy II. It was kind of depressing, and that's an element that is usually missed in Opeth's music. As for letting fans down, I think that by making it a side project, Opeth fans aren't getting a soft Opeth album and they won't be disappointed as long as the heavy stuff keeps coming.