Show us your studio 2010 [room / racks / backline] - no setup to small !!!

Thanks! As for the curtains, besides maybe killing some reflections, they don't do so much. Just wanted some classy curtains. And they're surprisingly expensive... They cost about as much as the floors... Oh well. I think they finish the room off nicely. :grin:

what about the desk ? how do u like it? Is it sturdy enough?
I´ve seen it as whells and those look that rigid...
does it wobble a little or is it really stable?
what about the desk ? how do u like it? Is it sturdy enough?
I´ve seen it as whells and those look that rigid...
does it wobble a little or is it really stable?

The desk is alright... It gets the job done. If I had felt like taking the time, I'd take those wheels off and put little feet on it to keep it stationary. But if you have to move your desk to get behind it or whatever, it works well. I leave enough room so I don't have to move it. I'll probably be retiring this one over the winter and going Argosy with a control surface, preferably C24. But we'll see how it goes!
I know this is totally unimpressive... But it's a big upgrade from where I was a year ago :)

New traps. Mostly uncovered yet, I broke the bank a little. Material covering will come soon for the corner traps.

The set up is essentially. Safesoun P1 -> RME Multiface -> Cubase. -> Mann PMA monitors *care of Ermz* I'm pretty content with it



And of course! What every studio needs, access to the sneap forum 24/7
Melb, what material are you using there for the acoustic treatment? Aren't you worried about health issues by breathing there? Mainly being your bedroom so you sleep there :S
Hey dude. Not too fussed. as 1. It's polyester based acoustic treatment *acoustisorb, same stuff Ermz uses* and I'm going to put material over that soon too. The traps aren't always in the room. Not yet anyways :) Only when tracking/ mixing.


Looking good man!

just a quick little video my roommate made for fun. sorry it doesn't really show much.

Cool vid man, I was thinking of getting a mate to do something like this for my website.

This was back when I finished the renovations...







Taken last week... Put a face to the name. And some new amps...


Amazing! Loving the clean/clear vibe! Are those monitors not decoupled from your desk?

This is a "promo picture" of my control room. I used 703 panels on the walls and then surrounded them with Auralex because there were already moulding panels on the walls. I never tested with just the fiberglass, but it sounds pretty good now. I'd definitely need to do some more bass trapping in the corners to tighten the low end but dealing with the reflection points was a night and day difference.

This is a "promo picture" of my control room. I used 703 panels on the walls and then surrounded them with Auralex because there were already moulding panels on the walls. I never tested with just the fiberglass, but it sounds pretty good now. I'd definitely need to do some more bass trapping in the corners to tighten the low end but dealing with the reflection points was a night and day difference.

You look familiar, don't you play in Winds of Plague? Rockin set up btw! :rock: