

Pop till ya drop
Jun 17, 2001
Wollongong Australia
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I'm disspointed to see this latest turn of events on the forum (involving Wolff). This forum has always been a kind of haven from all the other bullshit, immature stuff that goes on in most other forums. I really took to the way that if ppl had a disagreement, they would voice their opinions non-offensively and usually end up seeing each-others view point. Now with alot of new ppl coming and not knowing the unspoken rules that we use, I think it's going to/already has fucked up this forum aswell. Just saddens me is all.
Just like I posted on the "Year 2012..." thread where some remnants of the quarrel are still present, it's always the same with boards big enough. People don't always get along, and the more people there are, the more likely a "conflict" like that is to happen.

Humans are said to be gregarious but individual animals at the same time. I really don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. One thing I'm sure of: humans. are. stupid. If we faced some man-caused destruction of the highest level which left one millionth of the human population intact, we'd still seek each other out, stick together for a while, restart "the society" and do all those civilized things, but sooner or later divide into two camps and start fighting each others.

No, the above has nothing to do with the uncontentness (sp?) of certain board members here, just general ranting. I needed to vent my thoughts. :)
Originally posted by Silhouette
I'm disspointed to see this latest turn of events on the forum (involving Wolff). This forum has always been a kind of haven from all the other bullshit, immature stuff that goes on in most other forums. I really took to the way that if ppl had a disagreement, they would voice their opinions non-offensively and usually end up seeing each-others view point. Now with alot of new ppl coming and not knowing the unspoken rules that we use, I think it's going to/already has fucked up this forum aswell. Just saddens me is all.

Same here :( It was quite mature, but hopefully as time goes people will start being more tolerant
I enjoy taking the piss out of the forum, and enjoy it even more when somebody has a go at me. Maybe in the interests of keeping the peace we should have a vent thread, where all civilities could be left aside and no judgements would be made.
Call it the the Turrets Syndrome thread or something. I think everybody would be forgiving provided the right circumstances.

To follow-up what I said in the "Epilogue" thread, it was definately quite symbolic of the forums "loss of innocence", as our somewhat tight-knit little culture has grown to include a larger array of people, a broader cross-section of society at large. Nobody's fault - bound to happen as the band gets more and more popular. But so many very cool people are always joining so I suppose you just have to weed out what doesn't float your proverbial boat and judge the forum on it's merits.

Still, it is enough to almost be able to attach nostalgic feelings to just a couple months or so ago, isn't it?
Five or so months, and we're nostalgic.

But Hoser, you are right - the Opeth melting pot was only a matter of time - albiet a short one. We must stand tall, and fend off the wannabees who infiltrate this forum with layers and layers of useless crap [like us who have been around for a while don't spew crap also].

There, my crap has been spewed.:loco:
Originally posted by godisanathiest

U went too fucking far then, y the hell did u have 2 bring Maccy D's in2 it ;) :D

Sorry, I was just lost in a fit of Turret's Syndrome like profanity. The worst curses I could think of just flew out. Guess it was a bit over the top. Sorry if I offended anybody.
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
To follow-up what I said in the "Epilogue" thread, it was definately quite symbolic of the forums "loss of innocence", as our somewhat tight-knit little culture has grown to include a larger array of people, a broader cross-section of society at large. Nobody's fault - bound to happen as the band gets more and more popular. But so many very cool people are always joining so I suppose you just have to weed out what doesn't float your proverbial boat and judge the forum on it's merits.

Still, it is enough to almost be able to attach nostalgic feelings to just a couple months or so ago, isn't it?

Loss of innocence happened a long time ago. I recall two or three other people complained about the religious threads in the Opeth forum, and were told to fuck off. I never saw another post from those guys. Too bad, because they never had a proper chance to say something... They were made to feel ostracized and didn't bother to come back here. Lost potential? I don't know, I just think it's sad that some mindless fucks in here use this forum to discuss their laundry list, and other genuine fans are left with no choice but to conform or leave. Who loses? Everybody imo, except the mindless fucks on a power trip.

I'll end it with a Bernard Shaw quote for all of you to ponder:
The reasonable person adapts himself to society. The unreasonable person wants society to adopt to him. Hence all change depends upon the unreasonable people.

You'll see me in Vintersorg forum.
Originally posted by Beavis

I'll end it with a Bernard Shaw quote for all of you to ponder:
The reasonable person adapts himself to society. The unreasonable person wants society to adopt to him. Hence all change depends upon the unreasonable people.

You'll see me in Vintersorg forum.


What a perfect quote to describe your condition.


Oepth fans are smart and versatile.

Opeth fans here do talk about opeth, and probably have dealt with the same topci more than once.

The majority of Opeth fans are a) smart and teeming with things they enjoy talking about which includes religion and other topics towards others (other opeth fans, not by accident i think) of comparable intelligence. That's not a negative thing about this board. That's fucking great delight I find about the board and the people who frequent here.

Continuing, the majority of Opeth fans are also b) post the same old opeth topic and threads and participate activley in them.

and finally c) are tired (understandably) of posting to the same threads over and over again.

Have fun in the Vintersorg forum!

More about SHaw's quote. Do understand Shaw is talking about you when he talks about "unreasonable people." Unforntunately you were not bright enough to see this. thought I'd make that clear to the lame of mind. :D
Originally posted by E V I L


Oepth fans are smart and versatile. Opeth fans here do talk about opeth, and probably have dealt with the same topci more than once. The majority of Opeth fans are a) smart and teeming with things they enjoy talking about which includes religion and other topics towards others (other opeth fans, not by accident i think) of comparable intelligence. That's not a negative thing about this board. That's fucking great delight I find about the board and the people who frequent here.
Continuing, the majority of Opeth fans are also b) post the same old opeth topic and threads and participate activley in them.
and finally c) are tired (understandably) of posting to the same threads over and over again.

More about SHaw's quote. Do understand Shaw is talking about you when he talks about "unreasonable people." Unforntunately you were not bright enough to see this. thought I'd make that clear to the lame of mind. :D

And of course you'd know everything about Opeth fans in this forum, considering the fact that you've been a member since 09-02... i.e. for 5 full days!!!

Since you liked the Shaw quote, here's another one that applies perfectly to you: Don't attribute to malice that, which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Last but not least EVIL: try using the spellcheck next time.
Beavis/Wolff, please try and be civil.
You are demonstrating just exactly why you were removed from the forum in the first place. When people have criticised threads in the past they were allowed to speak their peace, and some may have been retorted to. The fact that you took things personal, and proceeded to take your revenge in a very petty manner only reflects upon your own personality, not that of the forum's.
If you had been here long enough, you would remember that the original purpose of the religion threads was to establish a profile of our peers; albiet in a somewhat more entertaining manner. There have been discussions on everything from politics to love lives as well.
As it appears that diversity bothers you, and you were unable to partake in these discussions on an intellectual level was no excuse for the behavior you have been displaying. In the manner I suggested before, if you need to vent, do it somewhere where people will be more apt to turn the other cheek.
I usually don't respond to threads like this - but talk about missing the point!

I see less discussion, and more power/egotistical/"I'm right, you're wrong"/anger going on here then civility. That's the problem with most of the garbage on this crap we call the internet. Yeah - it has it's good points, but there is too much bad out there. In all honesty, that's what this Opeth forum has meant to me:

It really has been an escape from the aforementioned - a place where people think and are open like me. If you are so narrow-minded to believe that this forum is reserved for Opeth/music discussion only, than your are of the black-is-black white-is-white ilk. Open your mind a tad - don't get caught up in the everyday crap that surrounds you. There aren't many places like this around - real or imagined.

Hopefully you can see that - if not, either you're blind or I've just rambled for no apparent reason.