So what do people on other forums think of us?


Feb 20, 2005
It occurred to me today that there's always the negative stereotypes tossed around here about Harmony Central (a bunch of immature, bickering, overposting n00bs) and Gearslutz (pompous elitist pricks), and since this is the ONLY forum I have any interaction with, I've never seen whether other forums have anything to say about us. Personally, I view us as being the best - the middle ground between the above two extremes. But I'd be interested to hear some amusing quotes if anyone has happened upon any!
It occurred to me today that there's always the negative stereotypes tossed around here about Harmony Central (a bunch of immature, bickering, overposting n00bs) and Gearslutz (pompous elitist pricks), and since this is the ONLY forum I have any interaction with, I've never seen whether other forums have anything to say about us. Personally, I view us as being the best - the middle ground between the above two extremes. But I'd be interested to hear some amusing quotes if anyone has happened upon any!

not much talk about us...they're just steealing samples and settings etc...

HCAF at least.
I've been to many forums among Harmony Central and Gearslutz and never heard anybody hear something negative about Ultimate Metal.
You have to keep in mind that Ultimate Metal in general isn't focusing on gear and stuff but the music itself, just these subforums get more accurate which make em so special, IMHO. Whilst getting more and more popular as time passes by the Sneap board is still somewhat of an insider tip I think. From my experience this board is WAY ahead in terms of civilized, high quality posts, it often has a positive vibe to it. Sure you have some idiots posting now and then but overall I feel very @home here because everyone is much more open-minded and sharing than on any other place I've been so far and I've been to a LOT :lol:

I think this is what a forum should be after all and I hope it stays for a while :)

I can't give you any quotes but I've often seen people referring to these boards which isn't a bad thing, is it? ;)
I talked to Andy about setting up this forum years ago... and I still remember him saying: "Why would anybody want to ask me about production crap?" or something along those lines... hahahah, crazy.

- J
Sweet, I'm glad to hear it! Abyss, to be clear, when I say "us," I mean just the Sneap forum; the rest of UM is pretty useless to me, going on forums for bands just so people can bicker about what song is better or what gear the members use or blah blah blah just seems like the lamest thing to me; at least here we discuss useful stuff (with the exception of the always awesome off-topic tangents :D). And I too greatly value the maturity and civility of this place, as well as the blatant rapeage of anyone who comes and doesn't play by the rules :heh: One of my favorite moments, besides the fiasco with that "SyxStringSlayer" 'tard, was a thread with the following excerpts (and in no way did I alter what the OP said, these are direct quotes :rolleyes: :D):

I just picked up 2 ddrum pro kick triggers threw them on my drummers set first time using triggers by teh way first question how tight do i keep them to the hoop / head . rigth now there both pretty tight. second thing i pluged them both into a roland drum brain .. teh lowest model one by teh, way and i set both inputs to teh same volume , same sample but one is always louder then the other i no its not teh trigger cuz i switched inputs and it still does it it might be the brain ? last thing should it be mis trigger i plugged them straight into my interface and im geetting diff levels is that normal it woudl be great if i could get them all teh same level .

thanx guys.,

well i was saying when i plug them into my interface the hits are diff liek im just wondering how u get every hit teh exact same volume or is that the naturalness in the trigger.

OMFG leik i wish i culd figger ovt wut the fuck u r trying to say
dont U ned to text ur BFF or sumpin?

maybe the prblm wit teh trggers is tht U R a fuking retard

AND, they made up after it all! No flaming or tossing around of the "f" word (not fuck, I love that, rather the ultimate immature internet n00b insult, "fag"/"faggot" :Smug: )
I love n00b quotes. Here's one for ya since Metaltastic posted a goldie:

"You're not punk*, I'm punk. I listen to relientk."

*This was in response to me stating something about the So. Cal. punk band The Scarred.

Back OT: Never seen anything bad about here, in fact I found this place with some of the stickies here posted as guides on other places.
Basically, we are the elite when it comes to Production/Mixing/Mastering IMHO. The wealth of knowledge this forum holds is truly stunning, and everyone is so generous with sharing settings/samples, etc. (this is great as I know a lot of people keep these things tight to their chest, and don't want to share). The fact that we have some serious professionals in here as well is amazing, and I'm not just referring to the likes of Andy and James, but also guys such as Lasse, Ed, Oz, Bob, etc. We also have some great characters in here, guys that just plain make me piss myself laughing, which breaks up all the serious posts, and rounds out this forum nicely.

Personally I've been visiting/posting on this forum for a good 4, maybe even 5 years now, and I consider myself a regular, maybe even one of the oldies (anyone feel free to put me in my place if they don't agree with me on this lol). This in itself is a great testament to the quality of this forum, as I've never been a forum buff, never really liked sharing experiences/information/techniques with people (I usually poach information and give nothing back haha). But it's different with this forum, it feels more like a family, and I feel like I don't mind sharing anything with you guys, as the recognition and thanks is always there.

Also, apart from the ocassional n00b bashing (something I have to admit I love doing :D), everyone is very respectful, and it's nice to see a lot of newer members coming in and really making a good contribution to the forum with some really good posts. I've made some good friends here that I speak to a lot (both inside and outside of the forum), and it's sad to see some of the older guys not post so much anymore, but the fresh blood makes up for that somewhat.

Overall, this forum is just a really good place to hang out and talk shit with all you guys who are way more talented than myself haha. Hope I didn't sound too soppy with this shit, just wanted it to be known how much I appreciate the knowledge I've gained from you all.

Thanks guys.
Well said Stee! :kickass: And as for "no estrogen," well, would you really want to meet a chick on an online forum? :zombie: :D