Originally posted by Morgana
this is THE pagan's law, BUT there is something missing! You can do what you like as long as you do no harm to someone else!!! Very important!!!
"Sigurd Drakedreper" = "Siegfried, der Drachentöter"!
i allways loved the Story about Siegfried and how he bathed in the Dragons blood to become invincible! and how the spot between his shoulderblades stays vulnurable due to the leaf that fell from a tree and covered the spot! Siegfried was just my hero! a shame that Hagen had to kill him!
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
@Salamurhaaja: I like your avatarThat one must be evil. Ooooo, does that mean that there is a evil peron here now? Or an evil smth? Hehe
Originally posted by astarte
@Salamuhaaja: niceavatar
it looks at little like Frost from Satyricon
Originally posted by astarte
@Salamurhaaja: actually i was thinking about Satyr also.. but they both look alike anyway![]()