Significantly more than 1000 things you've noticed about Dark Tranquillity -

282a. All of the band members' names consist of vocals and consonants. EVEN LETTERS LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!1oneoneelevenahundredandeleven11!!!!!!1111!1

..., surprisingly.
282b. All of their names also start with a capital letter.
UndoControl said:
I'm surprised you're all posting in that vein and haven't gotten to the oh-so-obvious "284 - All band members are human."

I demand proof. :Smug:
As soon as i can afford a trip to Sweden (or whenever the guys come to Mexico again; whichever happens first) i'll get DNA samples for all six of them and then proceed to compare said samples with DNA samples from all known species, thus proving by sequence similarity that the band members are, in fact, human.
Nah, they just had a good idea. Go listen to Wagner prelude to Tristan und Isolde ;) Brought me to my knees twice

Or Pictures at an exhibition by Mursorsky.

Apocalyptica are novelty, and amazing yes, but nothing new. Long hair and whirl winds while playing doesn't make it any more metal than Carmine Burana (drunk... can't spell... *won't deny it*). You know what I mean.
I like "Pictures at an exhibition", but i don't consider Mussorgsky godly for it. The only pre-20th-century musician i could consider godly if i'm in a good mood is J.S. Bach. But i do like to say that Apocalyptica are direct descendants of the norse gods (and not because Eicca does whirlwinds with his hair while jumping around on the stage and playing the cello (which is, in itself, a difficult thing to do, as cellos are heavy things)).
King Chaos said:
really? Which ones? I have a pretty accurate gaydar. They all seemed straight to me. And no, don't ruin it for me... let me pretend... it's Brandstrom.

King Chaos said:
260. If any of the members of DT were going to be allergic to sea food, it would be brandstrom. Doesn't he just look like the type of guy who has seafood allergies? Lobster is like cryptonite to him.

King Chaos said:
270: Anders Jivarp can fire an arrow from a bow further than most men could shoot a bullet from a gun.

What the hell??
Cuthalion said:
well i really don't know if any of them is gay, i just said that someone could be and now i should expect Brandstrom to visit this forum again and bitchslap you for calling him gay the last time he was here someone called him a hypocrite:rock:

don't say i didn't warn you :rock: