Significantly more than 1000 things you've noticed about Dark Tranquillity -

373 - If we let this thread sink, DT would lose their faith in us as a board of elite fans, and would not be as proud to be who they are as a result.

374 - Mikael Stanne believes we are the leaders and himself and his band are the fakes. Personally, I don't think this is the case.

375 - Dark Tranquillity were a band before some members were out of diapers.

375.5 - of course this is an embarrasing fact for certain members, as still not being potty trained by the age of 14 is generally looked down upon (Don't take this seriously)

376 - Every member of DT was actually born potty trained, as half of them were raised by wolves and went whereever they wanted when nature called, and the other half were raised by polar bears (the same rules applied).

377 - If you play the chorus on Therein backwards, what you here is Mikael Stanne saying "With out you my beautiful white furred friend, we would be nothing. We will return with fine fat fish in the year 2014." in the language of the polar bear.
King Chaos said:
377 - If you play the chorus on Therein backwards, what you here is Mikael Stanne saying "With out you my beautiful white furred friend, we would be nothing. We will return with fine fat fish in the year 2014." in the language of the polar bear.

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
If you think this is the forum sunken, you should have been here about 6 months before you joined man. Was basically like some kind of unselfaware rehabilitation for everything we hate about ourselves, but immensly reflective... Resulted in at first, death threats and exasperation being shared aggressively and then pretty much silence for a while. We were sick of each other. Now it's ace again in comparison. It might even be even gayer than it used to be, all those years ago.

380 - Dark Tranquillity should write a song with loads of gay code in it for their next album, just as a joke for you guys. Of course, the track can be left off the album and put on the follow up to exposures, entitled - 'exposures: in retrospect and gay denile'.
381 - No, no, no, it should be titled "Exposures: in gayness and hilarity". ;)

382 - Their next album should be an epic metal one, as Rusty (or someone) has said before, and should include a song about how this board had become as shitty as KC says and was rescued only to fall into absolute gayness.

383 - The chorus of such a song should be something in the vein of "we shall never fall again, even if we have surrendered to total gayness" and include power metal screams and guest vocals by singers from small bands with no potential/promotion.
384 - One day one of my bands will support DT on tour. And if, and this is likely, my band gets to be even bigger than DT, I will still demand that we support them and I'll make sure every motherfucker in the crowd realises they are not at a metal concert, they are at church when DT are in the building!

@undo: Hahaha I think it's funny to imagine powermetal Dark Tranquillity.
Fact #385: Dt deserve that. :)

Fact #386: Their power metal album should be a more or less self-titled one (it should be called "Drunk Tranquality"). :lol:

When's that new Final Journey album coming around, by the way? ;) And, again, is there any way i can get the missing songs from the 2005 demo?
The new album is gonna be an EP now, with two normal songs and a fifteen minute epic. And when I get a job I'll look into sending it your way man. I should have a job in a week and a bit. Either that, or add me to MSN... feast_of_burden(at)hotmail(dot)com And I'll send you the tracks you need. Not tonight though, I need to sleep rather truly.
I'd much prefer it if you could send them to me by e-mail or some other medium. MSN isn't really an option because 1) the odds that i'll open that application during this semester are somewhere around 5847086780478706:1 against and 2) i have an old version (because stupid MicroSoft won't release a new version for Mac) which freezes or quits whenever i try to send or receive big files, such as songs.

PM me and we can think of something.
King Chaos said:
If you think this is the forum sunken, you should have been here about 6 months before you joined man. Was basically like some kind of unselfaware rehabilitation for everything we hate about ourselves, but immensly reflective... Resulted in at first, death threats and exasperation being shared aggressively and then pretty much silence for a while. We were sick of each other. Now it's ace again in comparison. It might even be even gayer than it used to be, all those years ago.

All of the above - and that's why I couldn't be around here long enough :D
solefald said:
370:I hope they never release an self titled album(perhaps their last ultimate manifest somewhere in a distant future)

How come?

Ja ja ja, ich bin costaricaner :Spin: . Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut, aber ich bin die besser im mein Deutsch klass :Spin: . Ich habe das Perfekt gelernt (Ich kann jetzt *auf* Perfekt shreiben. Weeee!)
UndoControl said:
When's that new Final Journey album coming around, by the way? ;) And, again, is there any way i can get the missing songs from the 2005 demo?

Are you talking about a new DT album?!?!? I didn't know, I'm kinda lost.

390- DT fans live all over the world.