Significantly more than 1000 things you've noticed about Dark Tranquillity -

UndoControl said:
670: They've only made two pairs of songs where one is the intro to the other (Midwinter / Beyond enlightenment and Mine is the grandeur... / ...Of melancholy burning).

671: They actually melded Midwinter and BE into one track on the Exposures cd.

672: Mine is the grandeur... and ...Of melancholy burning are the only two songs where one's name is the continuation of the other one.

673: They made a play with words with The mind's i and The mind's eye.

677: At a gig in Gothenburg in 1999, Mikael Stanne sang "women, drugs and alcohol" instead of "feel the thorns of uncontrol".

678: That might have been intentional.

679: On the other hand, it could have been unintentional.

680: The crowd didn't seem to notice.

681: It's pretty funny, actually.
682 - When singing Haven live, Mikael mostly (maybe always) "hush"es the crowd before singing "something I can never share/hide..." part.
UndoControl said:
677: At a gig in Gothenburg in 1999, Mikael Stanne sang "women, drugs and alcohol" instead of "feel the thorns of uncontrol".

678: That might have been intentional.

679: On the other hand, it could have been unintentional.

as i've understood things, he's done that particual one quite a lot, so most likely intentional.

UndoControl said:
680: The crowd didn't seem to notice.

nah, same thing with "make each tear in my bare hands a lifetime in stockholm" at the latest gig here...

UndoControl said:
681: It's pretty funny, actually.

it sure is, listening for altered lyrics is a small but significant part of the fun. :Spin:
Really? :D

688: The fifth letter in their name is T.
689: Their whole name has 11 consonants.
690: Their whole name has only 5 vowels.
691: In total, their name has 16 letters.
692: That makes for 68.75% consonants and 31.25% vowels.
693: The first word in their name has 4 letters.
694: Only one of those is a vowel.
695: That makes for 25% vowels in the first word in their name.
696: 75% of the letters in that word are consonants.
697: The second word in their name has... *drumroll and applause* 12 letters!
698: That means that 25% of the letters in their name are in the first word.
699: Thus, 75% are in the second word.
700 (:hotjump:): The letter D appears only once in their name.
701: 6.25% of their name is made of Ds.
702: The letter A appears twice in their name.
703: Thus, 12.5% of their name is made of As.
704: Guess you know where this is going: The letter R appears twice in their name.
705: 12.5% of their name is made of Rs.
706: That means that there's the same number of Rs and As in their name.
707: There's only one K in their name.
708: That means that the letter K makes up (guess) 6.25% of their name.
709: There are two Ts in their name.
710: Both of them are in the second word.
711: 12.5% of their name is made of Ts.
712: 16.667% of the second word is made of Ts.
713: There's only one N in their name.
714: It occupies the 8th position in their whole name.
715: It occupies the 4th position in the second word.
716: There are 8 letters in their name after the N.
717: The letter Q, though it is a rather uncommon word, is in their name.
718: There's only one Q.
719: It makes up for another 6.25% of their name.
720: The last letter of their name is Y.
721: Strangely enough (ok, maybe it's not strange), their name doesn't end with LY.
722: It ends with TY.
723: That means that the Y is following a T.
724: Y makes up for, again, the glorious percentage of 6.25.
725: Their whole name has 5 syllables.
726: They have, respectively, 4, 4, 4, 2 and 2 letters.
727: One of the syllables is in the first word.
728: Thus, the other four are in the second one.
729: 20% of the syllables is in the first word.
730: 80% is in the second word.
731: The average number of letters per syllable is 3.2.
732: At normal speed, it takes 1.09 seconds to say "Dark Tranquillity".

And i could go on:

733: The first letter of the first song on The gallery is P.... :grin:
734- In order to say Dark Tranquillity, you must say a "mispelled" word
uh-oh, I liked your old name better :(. O well, this one is good too :)