Significantly more than 1000 things you've noticed about Dark Tranquillity -

1145- One of DT's greatest achievement is to make the world a better place.

1146- Another is to always release awesome jaw-dropping albums.

1147- And to innovate on each of them.

1148- DT loves what they do. :) .

1149- That makes fans really happy. :) :) .
1150 -from the official ...
"Hello Oslo, my name is Koslo - July 5, 2007
More dates added to the aforementioned tour:
9/9: Århus, Denmark - Voxhall
10/9: Copenhagen, Denmark - The Rock
12/9: Oslo, Norway - John Dee
This is the first time in five hundred years that we play in Denmark,
and it's long overdue. Will be a pleasure"

1151 - who is/are/what's a Koslo, maybe a play on Oslo?
Hmm I don't think those are really things you have "noticed" about DT... :rolleyes: .

1050 - DT has been alive for more than 500+ years.


1051 - DT was the 1st Metal band ever.

1050 - DT not only helped create Melodic Death Metal, but created Metal itself.

1051 - Dt members are nearly as old as Matusalem :p :lol: .
Hmm I don't think those are really things you have "noticed" about DT... :rolleyes:

I don't care to get into a syntax debate, but *noticed* is something perceived or observed
so I was on the DT official site and both perceived, observed the following:
"Hello Oslo, my name is Koslo - July 5, 2007
More dates added to the aforementioned tour:
9/9: Århus, Denmark - Voxhall
10/9: Copenhagen, Denmark - The Rock
12/9: Oslo, Norway - John Dee
This is the first time in five hundred years that we play in Denmark,
and it's long overdue. Will be a pleasure"

1050 - DT has been alive for more than 500+ years.


1051 - DT was the 1st Metal band ever.

1050 - DT not only helped create Melodic Death Metal, but created Metal itself.

1051 - Dt members are nearly as old as Matusalem
At least I can add with numbers
after 1151 comes 1152 not 1050 :rolleyes:
I don't care to get into a syntax debate, but *noticed* is something perceived or observed
so I was on the DT official site and both perceived, observed the following:
"Hello Oslo, my name is Koslo - July 5, 2007
More dates added to the aforementioned tour:
9/9: Århus, Denmark - Voxhall
10/9: Copenhagen, Denmark - The Rock
12/9: Oslo, Norway - John Dee
This is the first time in five hundred years that we play in Denmark,
and it's long overdue. Will be a pleasure"

That would be a semantic debate, thank you. I know what you mean, but judging from the hundreds of post I've read in this thread, I don't think that is the point :p .

La Rocque said:
At least I can add with numbers
after 1151 comes 1152 not 1050 :rolleyes:

Good for you! :p I know, but I think that your post didn't count as anything related to "Significantly more than 1000 things you've noticed about DT," so I decided to continue with the numbers without taking yours into account :rolleyes: .
^ :rolleyes: that's pretty basic, you know?

One thing is not wanting to write correctly in internet phorums, and another is not knowing your stuff :p . But we won't start this discussion again, are we rhavin boy? :p :rolleyes:
That's common with everyone, the drunker you get the more difficult it is to speak, since the alcohol is blocking those neurons.

Interesting to see the old posts. :p .

Indeed. The more I drink, the worse my English gets and it's my only language.:-p

Though I swear, Mikael speaks better the more he drinks.
wow after 3 years or so im back to the forum :)

1154 - Stanne's voice is so low that he could sing in a gadda da vida and get confused by the original singer hehe
I think I'm the first to mention this one, although it is quite the most obvious.

1155 - Stanne folds himself to the point of contortion when he sings live.
Unless "invite the dark side in" means allowing a black man to penetrate you, no. And that's really reaching for innuendo.

Alternatively, you could be implying that accessing ones dark side is a metaphor for accessing your latent homosexuality. In this instance, homosexuality isn't really a dark side; any sexuality not accompanied by harm to yourself or another is perfectly healthy. At the same time, you're not inviting your dark side in, the whole haven is gay. Because you are gay. And that's okay.
Well, I haven´t said that that was my interpretation. I really think those lyrics are the best lyrics off the album and even one of my favorites ever. And no, the gay haven is not my interpretation.
Said that, I want to tell you that in spite of what a song means to me, I always try to find alternative meanings that could go well. And that idea came to my head while listening to the chorus "invite the darkside... in in in ...into my haven". The repetition of the word "in" is what makes it all more believable.
I believe that Mikael didn't think on that matter while writing the song.
And no, I wasn't making an innuendo.