
Best Anthrax vocalist ever-Scott Ian

Scott should have sung from the beginning, but aside from him, Belladonna is my favorite

All who have sung on an Anthrax original or cover song (I'm bound to forget a few)
Neil Turbin
Scott Ian
Matt Fallon (although not on any recordings)
Joey Belladonna
John Bush
Frank Bello
Charlie Benante
Chuck D
Gene and Paul from KISS
Dee Snider
I've probably watched over 100 games and I just cannot make myself have any interest in it. I've watched every team, all different times of the season, cause I know some people don't get into it til the playoffs, I tried watching college basketball, I just don't like it. I'm sure at some point in my life I liked it because I played it in junior high and had a blast, but I just can't get into it at all. But then there are people that feel the same way about hockey (:waah:) so it all evens out in the end. Also, I don't have time for much watching of anything with a kid running around.

And since you're full of info and a teacher, can ya come over and help my son "retain" the fact that if Mommy says "NO!!" 20 times, she's not going to say "Yes" that 21st time???

I started liking the Devils cause my sister hated them too. :lol: :lol:
"FLETCH" is the best movie EVER made......

It is absolutely one point during my college years I could quote line for line just about 90% of that movie. I can safely say that I have seen that movie over a hundred times....... no wonder it took me 6 years to get out of college!!!

"Come on guys....maybe you need a refresher course.....its all ball bearings today....."

"Fletch, 6 foot 2.....6' 8" with the afro....."

By the way, "A Trip Through Red Times" is great! There is an awesome tribute to the late Armored Saint guitarist Dave Prichard during "Book of Blood" where he plays an incredible, emotional solo.... awesome stuff!!!

Thirdly, anyone who is uneducated enough to believe that Joey is a better singer than John Bush needs to listen to the Armored Saint material........the guy fuckin shit!!!!!
Have you ever read any of the Fletch novels? The first movie followed the first book fairly closely, so if you liked the movie, you'd probably like the books too (I think there were 7 of them in total). Of course, since the movie, I can't read them without picturing Chevy Chase.

Man, how things get off topic here...we went from favorite singer to basketball to Fletch. It's only a matter of time before it gets connected back to Kevin Bacon again...