Mathew Cohen
ok, bought it today installed, waited half an hour for the update,
started playing, YEAH IT'S COOL, but the controls are HORRIBLE!
first of all the game does not give a fuck how you map the keys.
if USE is on E by default you can set it to ENTER or whatever.
it works but the game still shows that USE is E, how stupid is that!?
i had and still have the same problems in battlefield 3...fucking console ports!
now, greedy as i am i picked up a lot of useles stuff and now i can't move.
the game says i should press R to drop items...well i pressed R about a thousand
times now but nothing happens, that'S so lame, any ideas!?
i also can't find the key R or anything that says "drop item" in the control setting,
i'm really confused right now.
Stop being a greedy fuck.